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Darklink401 vs. DeathSkull vote nowz!


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1. Make a card that supports removing cards from play

2. level 4-6

3. First to 5 votes wins

4. Winner gets 2 reps

5. Loser gets 1 rep

6. Have fun



Darklink401's card:



This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by removing from play 1 "D.D Warrior Lady" in your Graveyard from play, and only if it was sent there by battle. When this card is Special Summoned, you can remove any number of cards in your Graveyard from play to inflict damage to your opponent equal to the number of cards removed x100. Monster Cards removed from play by this effect cannot be Special Summoned while removed from play. During the End Phase of the turn this card was Special Summoned, you take damage equal to the damage you inflicted to your opponent.



DeathofSkull's card:


[spoiler=Lore]If you have no monster's on your side of the field you can remove from play 2 Fiend type monster's from your Deck,to Normal Summon this card in face up Attack Position.Each time a card is removed from play,You can removed from play 2 cards from your deck to gain 500 life points for every card removed(excluding the 2 you removed from play).


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I found it so here it is let the games start.MiMiTheDarkFairy.jpg


[spoiler=effect]If you have no monster's on your side of the field you can remove from play 2 Fiend type monster's from your Deck,to Normal Summon this card in face up Attack Position.Each time a card is removed from play,You can removed from play 2 cards from your deck to gain 500 life points for every card removed(excluding the 2 you removed from play).


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