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Welcome to Grand reapers scary mall!


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Work hours

Weekdays 5:00- 6:00

Weekends 10:00 5:00

Free!! thats right free!


You problay should know the rules saves me typing.






[spoiler=ultra gold]el5dud.jpg




[spoiler=Goldent sticker]mt803l.png


[spoiler=Black boarder]2yke03p.jpg

My friend made the card I edited.





[spoiler=The style]1z721sn.jpg



Rember no prices cause my shop is free



Now Hiring

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I know I saw them and then I learn to make them what is wrong with my going to other peoples shops and seeing ideas they have and pratice for 2 hours them make one myself then go and post it to make a shop I don't see what wrong with, I see that if I did not know how to make the cards thats I problem but I do.

Okay there off its cool now.

Okay I think I got it.

Blind destruction you the only thing you have to pay for on my shop is that its a total of 7 points.

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I fixed the code to your shop.

It now shows the examples instead of just the URL.

You can use it if you want.



Work hoursWeekdays 5:00- 6:00Weekends 10:00 5:00 Free!! thats right free!You problay should know the rules saves me typing.[spoiler=Animated][img=http://img3.imageshack.us/img3/5889/demonsoul.gif][img=http://i36.tinypic.com/xgkwa1.gif][img=http://img182.imageshack.us/img182/8236/blueholoanimation.gif]

[spoiler=ultra gold]el5dud.jpg


[spoiler=Goldent sticker]mt803l.png

[spoiler=Black boarder]2yke03p.jpgMy friend made the card I edited.2u6cy07.jpg


[spoiler=The style]1z721sn.jpg

Rember no prices cause my shop is freeNow Hiring


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Which one I just made my own ideas I didn'tt copy peoples cards.


That... is.... the last.... Straw...


The first Animated Holo Edit is Mine and i have alooot of proof I could use to Prove it.

Are ANY of those examples originally yours?


I mean, you thought that you could sell me my own card, by recreating it in the card generator on the same Freakin Site.

That pretty much qualifys you as a total Retard! I honestly don't think that you could even do a Gold Sticker GFX by yourself.

Even WITH a tutorial!

I am so sick and tired of all your Noobish crap.

I hope you get Banned... or at least go away.

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