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The Guardians {Advanced} RP Started, Always Accepting(FFR is Co-Host)


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OoC: Back again. Woop supah smell Mwhaha

Jack was still lying outside, both eyes closed and arms beside his head. He had been easedropping on the conversation between Hasperus and Ephraim.

"Haha, idiots and their cards." He took another deep breath and...something was wrong. A strange scent, something big......the smell of death. He quickly opened his eyes and pulled himself up. Turned tthe corner to see an unaware Ephraim and a large spider-like creature crawling up behind him.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT BECAUSE I DON'T THINK IT'S A STUDENT." Jack yelled as he pointed at the monster before him. "LOOK OUT" He yelled as he darted towards the monster.

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Hayate had reappeared this time, he was in front of Jack, "You will not lay a hand on any of my students," Hayate said. He pushed both hands forward releasing a ball of Gravitational energy double the size of his normal ones. As the blast left his hands it headed right towards this Spider like creature.

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Arakk was struck by the gravitation blast and fell to the ground, but he quickly got up on his eight feet again and let out a hissing sound. The ground around his feet began to freeze, and so did his armblades. He then jumped against his enemy once gain, raising his blades to attack.

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OoC: I lika this rp

"..." Jack was speechless, he had no idea what to do. He stood motionless as the battle unfolded before him. Finally when he came to his senses he took a few steps back out of the range of the fight.

"What do I do, what do I do..."

He then caught view of the girl with the cards coming back...

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Hesperus picked a card from her deck and held it up to her face. The card began to levitate, glowing a bright purple and taking a different shape. The card became longer thinner, and more round.

Finally, Hesperus grabbed the wand from mid-air.It was a crystal, thin, lavender wand with a small, violet crystal ball at the end of it.

"Such a foul presence needs to be banished," she said, pointing the wand at the spider. "En Garde!"

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Laurryn wandered away from the training room. She noticed a large, spider-like creature fighting Hesperus, Hayate, and Jake. The creature scared her to the point she was unable to move. She felt a fear so strong it was enough to activate her powers. She blacked out, as always happens when her powers activate from her emotions. She formed a whip in her hand, completely from shadows. She ran at the creature. She lashed him 6 times from behind with her whip.

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The appearance of a large spider-like monster was of course surprising, since Ephraim hadn't even seen it coming. Though slightly shocked, like the others Ephraim prepared for battle. He held his right arm out to the side. Wind began to circle around it quite fast and then his lance suddenly appeared in his hand. He took his position ready to attack the creature should it make a move.

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OoC: Sorry, I was checking the thread on my mobile phone, then forgot about it.


Arakk gripped Laurynn whip and then pulled it away so hard that Laurynn was sent flying straight into Hesperus.

"It'ssss yourrr turn now-k-k-k-k-k-k-k..." He said took a giant leap against Jack.

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*Laurryn got up from the ground, filled with rage toward the creature. She ran to the wall. She clutched her fists and formed 2 daggers, then stabbed them into the ground. As she pulled them out, twin dragons originating from the blades of the daggers rose from the ground. She swung the daggers at the Spider-like creature, and the dragons moved toward him.*

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OoC: Just my opinion but all of you are like appearing out of nowere haha. and also I dont think any of us would be able to take on a mega spider thing...except for maybe Hayate....but never mind me

Jack saw the creature coming... what would he do.

"Crap..." He took a leap of faith in an attempt to avoid this monster, no way could he turn and fight.

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Arakk grabbed Jack's head and then turned arund to see the dragons comming towards him. He had to think fast and held him up as a shield, as a hostage.

"Don't you dare-k-k-k-k-k!"

When he noticed that all attacks stopped he and Jack just disappeared.


Moments later, in a dark place...

"You will be usssssefull..." Arakk said and placed Jack on the ground.

"But don't you dare to run away-k-k-k-k-k-k..."

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OoC: sorry its a bit long. I had alot of fun writing this. You better not turn my characteer into some creepy spider thing T.T btw is this in a sewer or something..


Jack struggled against his capture, he clawed at him until he drew blood at which the spider let go. This was the first time he got a good look at this monster....it was almost human, but not quite. Jack actually felt sorry for this creature. What could happen to turn a man into this.. but it was no time to be thinking about that. Jack surveyed his surroundings with both his eyes and his nose. He began to run, anywhere, any direction, he could not smell anything but Arakk and his eyes failed to see him through the dark. And the only thing he could hear wass the monster, thump thump thump. It was chasing him, closing ground quickly. His only chance was to get on all fours and run with all his strenghth. Thump, thump, thump. His heart raced, what was to become of him.

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Arakk had already tied Jack around his neck with his net, but Jack hadn't noticed, and he had apparently not noticed that Arakk was able to see in the dark. He was just looking at him running around in the dark, for the first time in a very long age he felt mercifull, he could ahve ended the boys life directly, but the strong will he had felt when Jack tried to escape his grip was something special...

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OoC: are we in a cave or something or what??? I just wanna know

Jack just continued to run but still nothing, no daylight. Where was he...and how could he leave.

"There was got to be a way out of here." He began to get frightened, he couldnt take it anymore, the only thing that kept going through his head was that he was going to be eaten alive. He felt a tear stream down his face, but now wasnt the time to give up. He mustered up the strenght to go onward. He had to get away.

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*Laurryn was frustrated when the creature was able to block all of her attacks. After it left, she breathed hard, and deep. She reverted to her original form and looked around. The last thing she remembered was seeing the creature fighting Jack and Hesperus. Now all she saw was the trashed battle field. She was a little scared, and very confused. she began fighting back tears.*

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