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The Guardians {Advanced} RP Started, Always Accepting(FFR is Co-Host)


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Ephraim looked as the groups of friends had already formed. They seemed so happy even though they barely knew each other. He'd once been able to do that. He wanted to be able to again but he wasn't sure if he could.

The announcement seemed interesting. Were there others with powers similar to his? He wanted to know.

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Hayate made his next announcement, "Now I would like Alex and Jack to come down to the mat." With that everyone was wondering what was happening. The older students had never seen this before and the teachers who new what was about to happen quickly closed a barrier around the other students as Alex and Jack walked onto the mat to allow for saftey. Hayate had started walking from the stage down the stairs. The mat was full of the new and some older students. Hayate walked straight through the barrier to the other side, and quickly came down to the mat where the students where standing.

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Ooc: Hooray time for a little less conversation and a little more action.


Jack let out a yawn before falling back onto the mat. He crossed his legs and looked around, wondering what was going on. Jack felt like asking if there was a point to all this, but refrained from doing so as usually it was questions like that were the ones that would get him into trouble. Instead he just let out another yawn and watched his teacher as he walked around the room.

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OoC: Sorry can't resist also making your character sound kool to justify this.

Jack looked up at the teahcer. He sighed before standing up at attention as if he was at a military camp. "SIR YES SIR" He yelled with a smirk as he saluted the man who was obviously his superior. "Will that be all sir??" Little did Jack know that one good punch from this man could probably kill him.

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Hayate looked at the students, "Now I will release your inner selves in order for you to gain a bit more control over your abilities." Hayate waved his hand in front of them as he released a barrier that lay inside their own minds. "You all should have a better grasp of your abilities. Your first test will be to fight myself. You will all of you vs me!!" He said shocking the elder students. "I want to see how you all can work as a team and learn to use your abilities in combo's and efficiently." he said. Hayate then immediately transformed his appearance into his Psychic Form. He now unlocked all of his abilities allowing him to defend and attack the students.


OOC: BY the way Plz make this fight interesting as possible you should now have a little more knowledge of how to use your abilities and how to control them. Don't worry about any attack possibly killing me as I have ways to dodge them or shield myself and right now I am a lot more powerful all the students.

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Jack clenched his fist as he felt the power run thorugh him. He grinned as he looked up at his teacher with a glint in his eye.

"This is going to be fun...." He muttered before he looked around, no one had attacked yet. "I suppose if no one will I'll have to do it." He said before he lunged at his teacher with great speed, claws foward, prepared to dig them into him.

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Hayate waited till last minute as he darted out of the way of Jacks attack knowing that Alex was behind him in perfect position to take the blow. "Hah nice job in team work their guys but, You should have tried to use something to figure out my powers first." He said as he slowed down to nothing and turned back to them.

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Arakk could feel the power surging through the tournament grounds that he had just enetred, unnoticed, of course. He sneaked around, and for his immense size that was pretty well done. He finally found a place where he could remain unseen while he himself could watch the match.

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