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The Guardians {Advanced} RP Started, Always Accepting(FFR is Co-Host)


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Ephraim casually, though slightly nervous and anxious, walked into the Academy. He could only hope it would help with his problem.

Having no particular idea of where to go Ephraim just wandered wondering if he would run into someone. In the distance he saw some people heading into a room.

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Ephraim walked up to the room the others had entered.

"Training room huh? I could use a decent work out." Ephraim thought as he entered and casually went to an area with training dummies. They seemed pretty good, better than anything he'd ever used to train. This Academy really knew what it was doing.

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When Hayate was finished speaking with one of the teachers it was finally one minute to twelve. He walked into the Training room where he decided to gather the students within the Dojo part of the Training room. "Ladies and Gentlemen please head toward the dojo and take your seats. He continued through the other rooms making the same announcement until he came to the room full of practice dummies. "What is your name boy?" Hayate asked. He slowly entered the room and got closer to him.

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OOc: I would like everyone to please make a quick PM to me saying if your a new student or a former student as I have a surprise for each of you.


"Well I am Hayate Masaru the Headmaster of this Academy," he said extending his hand to Ephraim. He looked into the boy's eyes as he said, "It's a pleasure to have you here at this Academy, if their is anything I can do to help you out or make you more comfortable let me know. But for now we must be heading to the opening ceremonies in the Dojo."

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Hayate had entered the room, making his opening speech. After he was done welcoming the students to the Academy he made another announcement. "This year we have decided to split up the students into certain groups based on the abilities they posses and the test thats about to be given. He allowed some time for any of the stragglers that hadn't gotten to the Dojo yet.

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