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The Guardians {Advanced} RP Started, Always Accepting(FFR is Co-Host)


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Wayne spotted his chance. He hoped the guy was still there, being weakened by the oncoming attacks. He didn't know if the guy was dead, and didn't want him to be. He just needed Melvitica to be weakened to the extent that he coud not resist a weak attack, and could not regain hs strength in the time period. Wayne saw his perfect chance right here. Taking out the mysterious book, he chanted the words that would enseal him; words foreign to even Wayne himself. But how was he saying it then?


The book opened up to a random page. A swirling vortex was created on the blank page, and the vortex shot right at Melvitica's forehead. It started to take square fragments from the body, but did not seem to be doing much damage to Melvitica...

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Melvitica was first hit by Laurryn's bullets but Krieg's tornado blast negated the side effect of sending him a mile away but still taking all of the damage. Melvitica was then pulverized by the Hydra Consummation that was set off by Elincia and her summon. Afterward, he found himself being pummeled by the combined efforts of Elincia's Impact End, Sarla's Inferno Thunder, and Wayne's magical attack. After all the attacks had finished Melvitica plummeted to the ground with a loud crash, making a small crater after he hit. Lightbrink had been gone for sometime now but the question on everyones mind was if he was down or not. No one commenced a further attack they just stood ready...




They drove/flew fast, passing big buildings and racing through plains of grass and other form of nature. They we're now just about halfway there. "So kid." Letty started saying to Ephraim. "Heard ya had some questions fore me, hit me wit everything ya got! I'm all ears!" He said...

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"There's too much to ask but I'll try to limit my questions to what I think's important. First off, what exactly are the Guardians? You said you were one but no one ever really explained what it meant to be one to us at the Academy. And what is this system of power among them? You talked about a master Guardian that wouldn't let you look out for the students." Ephraim said.

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ooc: I'll pm ya when it's time to make an appearance, it makes things much easier =)

ooc2: I'd rater you all wait to start attacking Melvitica again, on my next post I'll make an advancement in the story


Letty didn't answer at first but then sighed for a second. "The system of power and rank within The Guardians is a secret kept until ya become one. But as for what we are, I can enlighten you on that." Letty explained and then tipped his hat over his eyes. "A guardian is someone who puts all his time and effort into defending his assigned station, Aeon I mean. You have no lover, you have no family, you have no other duties but your guardianship. That's what it meant to be a guardian back when we first started. Now it's pretty much defend all the inhabitants of the city of Aeon, I always thought it was odd that we neva cared about the other cities..." Letty explained...

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"I figured as much. So are the teachers at the Academy Guardians? If they are they don't seem to have nearly the same responsibilities as you do." Ephraim said. He had to think now. Was being a Guardian really what he wanted? It sounded like things were much more complicated then he initially thought. So many secrets to the organization as a whole. At that moment Ephraim had a thought that might lead them to something. He he had to ask about the creatures that had attacked them.

"But more importantly, is there any idea as to how those creatures came about? Obviously someone had to direct that kind of thing. Creatures like that don't just form naturally. I hate to ask this, but do you think any of the Guardians might have the power to do this? I don't see how anyone but the most powerful of people could've managed it." Ephraim said. If Letty knew of anyone that might have been able to it would give them a direction as to where to go.

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Letty thought over the question then frowned, as if he had just now put the pieces together for himself. "Shut up now, no more questions..." He said just loud enough for Ephraim to hear what he said. They arrived outside of the school and then proceeded to the sound of battle that were going on in the courtyard...

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ooc: Sorry, forgot the second post for the last post. I'm just gonna double so I can add plot to the first story as well so we can all meet each other though.


The group composed of Letty, Hesperus, Urks, and Ephraim ran into the courtyard just as Melvitica was getting up from his crater like state. "Melvitica...I knew it was but I kind of hoped it wasn't you..." Melvitica got up with a full smirk on his face. "Letty my boy...how quaint that you'd show up. Are you here as The Guardian attack dog, hmm?" Letty didn't get angry he just chuckled. "So you'd betray us all for something so..." Letty was cut off by Melvitica firing a ball of darkness, Letty easily dodged but this could have been the last of Melvitica's power. "Damn you to hell if you say worthless...my son isn't worthless!" Melvitica said stumbling as he tried to walk from the crater...

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ooc: not to long maybe 10-15 minutes, We'll see dokuro; i'll pm you about it later


"Keh, they sent a guardian here, finally..." Krieg said lazily as he looked over to Letty. "There was one here all along, you see, Melvitica is also a guardian!" Letty announced to the group, Metsuke found it horrible that he was betraying all of Aeon. "I only became a guardian to use the position to revive my son, not to protect some crumbling city!" Letty was about to make a move when suddenly a big scientific looking capsule fell straight into the middle of the court yard, kicking dust and debris all over the place...

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"My son! He is ready! Come out my son and give your father a hug!" Melvitica said, but when the capsule opened a human isn't what came out, but instead a horrible mass of ooze and shadows. It seemed to take the form of a giant squid. Melvitica dropped to hands and knees in depression. "I-I don't understand..." He said. Krieg coughed. "It's because you tried to bring him back using human souls, and he knows that. He was so disgusted with the thought of being brought back in this manner that it contorted his soul and made him into this." Krieg said, Melvitica was looking at him and paying attention. "I just...wanted him back...no!" He said getting up and sprinting to his son. He suddenly jumped into the mass that was his body. "My son, we will go to the other side, TOGETHER!" He said starting to flash his body very brightly. "Students, quickly!" Metsuke said as his lantern grew into the size of a small house. Krieg grabbed some of the students(Sarla, Lauryyn, and Dan); Urks and Letty grabbed the others and they headed inside the house. The students that were outside of the courtyard were fine because they were far from the blasting zone. As soon as Letty closed the door a huge explosion went off and made a huge boom that could still be heard and seen from the lantern. After the smoke cleared, Melvitica and his son...were no more.

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Elincia relaxed and slowly slid down the wall she was leaning on.

"It's okay Hephaetsus, you can leave." she said sighing.

"Very well then." Hephaestus said taking his leave.

Elincia finally relaxed. Since the moment she'd come to the school everything had been so chaotic. It was nice to finally not have anything going on. She took note of Letty.

"Nice to see you again Letty. It's been a few years since I last saw you; or rather, since I was a Guardian. Shame you didn't come sooner though." Elincia said.


Things were happening far too fast for Ephraim. They had rushed in, saw a group of teachers and students surrounding someone, saw a huge capsule release a sick monster, and then ran inside to avoid an explosion.

"What was all of that? What happened?" Ephraim asked to anyone who would answer.

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Name: (This can also include their Alias)Nion Suzamaki


Age: (Your char's age) around 4000 years old but looks barely 20


Gender: (Easy enough, unless your initials are MJ)F


City: (Which city you are from) Monroe


Appearance: (This can include alternate appearances)

[spoiler=thw dragon is her summon]http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs35/i/2008/298/9/8/Water_dragon_by_efira_japan.jpg[/img]



Personality: (Please be detailed! Your character's fears, aspirations, etc.)

She is very calm and cool headed, But a qite out going girl.


History: (Be as detailed as you wish, but don't write an essay)

Nion's history is unknown to all even to Drania, She trained drania to control Sarla and her powers. She raised Drania, like a mother.


Weapon of Choice/Abilities: (If applicable.)She has complete mastery of water.


Other: (Anything else you'd like to add) She is the 8th guardian.

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Metsuke dispersed his lantern and sighed, with a snap of his fingers the students of shadow pine faded into the shadows and were sent back to his school. "What a day..." He said as he started to walk of. "Krieg, if you ever need me, my schools just around the corner..." He said, and then went off to his school. "Yeah..." Krieg said as he left. "Letty, Melvitica...was a guardian..." He asked. "Heh, yeah, his seat was 6th." Krieg was a little surprised, he was so tough and was only the sixth ranked guardian out of the eight that were currently on duty. "Well, at least we can have our tournament now, to see who the new generation of guardians will be." He said with a smirk and then gave the command for all the Aeon city school students to return inside the school. "Myself and Urks will be going to. I want to look into who exactly gave Melvitica that lab equipment." Letty explained, walking out of the courtyard and hoping into his truck...


Krieg looked over to Ephraim. "Keh, it was nobody important." He said in a serious tone of voice. "The school was attacked but we took care of it thanks to the student body and the staff members." Krieg explained, not really wanting to go into to much detail about the events...

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A beautiful girl with pale skin and hair like that of fresh fallen snow apears behand Drania And catches her, "Herm.. Yes Krieg I guess You tried your best but the children are warn out becaous you hesitated. It's a good thing Letty was here, a Guardian that goes a gainst the code Is nolonger a Guardian they have no right to be saved." Nion says coldly.

"Im takeing my Aprentice and her friend to Drania's room..."

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"Keh, yeah..." Krieg responded, not really caring what Nion had to say about his battle tactics. "Letty didn't even do anything, he just showed up at the end that chump..." Krieg said to Elincia after Nion had left the hearing range of his voice. "We need to start this tournament soon, Elincia, when do you think we should have ..." Krieg said to Elincia.

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