Andx Posted November 15, 2009 Report Share Posted November 15, 2009 "Great, I take all the time to summon Hephaestus and now he has a summon. So much for that." Elincia said."Don't tell me you regret summoning me." Hepaestus said."Of course not, I'll need you now more than ever. I just had hoped you'd be the winning card. Now then, hope you're raring to go!" Elincia said.Elincia stayed in front of Melivitca's monstrosity while Hepaestus appeared to its right. They both prepared a very strong fire attack."Twin Roads to Hell: Immolating Crossfire!" the two called in unison. Two columns of fire almost as large as Shadowbrink launched out that would intersect at a right angle on Shadowbrink's body.------------------------------------------"Looks like we're finally out of harm's way Hesperus. Guess we should go talk with our unknown friends." Ephraim said in reference to the sniper and truck driver. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Enma Kozato Posted November 15, 2009 Report Share Posted November 15, 2009 OoC:since i was gone and after reading stil have no idea whats going on im just gonna be somewhere here i don't even know where that is adding nore to my confusionIC: Chase wokeup to find himself floating in a void of darkness nothing around him at all "what the heck where am i and what happened to the fight?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spirit of DMG Posted November 16, 2009 Report Share Posted November 16, 2009 *Laurryn forms her daggers and summons her dragons. She launches at Shadowbrink in such a way that they intersect at right angles.* "Do you think you can handle being hit from four different directions? This'll teach you to wreck the peace at this school!" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zaneko Posted November 16, 2009 Report Share Posted November 16, 2009 Dan coughed. His vision swam a bit before settling. He spat a mouthful of blood and groaned. He was in pain. Insanity had really strained his body this time.You're welcome'Shut up' Dan said mentally. He tested his limbs. He was sore but he had healed a bit while unconsious. At least Insanity did something right.You're welcome'Didn't I tell you to shut up?' Dan staggered to his feet. And saw a masive black creature."Perfect," he sighed. Need help?'Just loosen the seal a bit. You're getting control though.' Killjoy, Insanity said, but he did refill Dan power a bit. 'Alright tell,' Dan thought, charging a ball of lightning. 'Let's do this.' Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PrimalFear Posted November 16, 2009 Author Report Share Posted November 16, 2009 ooc: Since I am unable to keep up with this fast paced RP I think it's best for me to step out and allow FFR to continue with the roleplay as he see's fit. I am sorry to all who wished for my return but with it being basic theirs just so many short posts and like 30 pages I've missed. If their is any questions on anything plz PM me, and FFR I hope you will continue this rp as I assume by the way things are going that its still ok without me. I may randomly come back on once in a while and step in for a bit, but As of right now my Characeter is the Former Academy Headmaster and is now just a Former Headmaster that will show up now and again to help out. If for any reason you guys want me to rp in a certain spot Plz PM me and I'd be glad to rp a little when I have the time to try and keep up. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Final Fantasy Revolution Posted November 16, 2009 Report Share Posted November 16, 2009 Metsuke was slightly angry at see Shadowbrink once again, but he kept his calm and prepared for a second round . "The shouldn't have attacked with such strong attacks...." Krieg looked over to Metsuke. "Why not..." Krieg said, already expecting to hear something like this. "He has an ability called..." Metsuke was cut off exactly at the time he was going to say the word. "Exoskeleton!" Shadowbrink said and he shed a layer of his skin. "You see Exoskeleton can only be used once when Shadowbrink is summoned. But it immediately heals all damage he took and now we all take a percentage of the total damage he took." "Say what!" Krieg responded to Metsuke as a barrage of missiles hit everyone in the surrounding area of the school... ~~~ The broom landed and the sniper and Urks were still standing there waiting for them. "Howdy you two, names Letty and I'm a guardian of Aeon. This is Urks, he's not a guardian he's more like aaaaaa...subordinate really." Urks said hello to the two then waited for them to introduce themselves. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tempest Dahlia Posted November 16, 2009 Report Share Posted November 16, 2009 The broom vanished in a cloud of purple sust.Hesperus walked up to the duo. "I'm Hesperus." She held out her hand and had a smile on her face. She didn't sense anything evil in the area."What were those things?" She said on a serious note, glancing at a black puddle near her. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Enma Kozato Posted November 16, 2009 Report Share Posted November 16, 2009 Chase was getting bored of just sitting in the darkness but then a mysterious voice said "welcome to your imprisonment now let us begin." a Red and a Blue button appear in front of chase "if you press the red button you die a fast but extremely painful death if you pres the blue button you die a slow death but the pain builds up over time which do you choose.""Duh you press th green button which allows you to escape freely which is behind me." chase turns around to se no gren button "you can take as long as you like prisoner 101972." and the mysterious voice fadesOoC:what do i do now FFR? im outta ideas Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Megami Seika Posted November 16, 2009 Report Share Posted November 16, 2009 "So what your saying is we cant hurt him!" Sarla says, landing next to Elincia, Her wings fold in and revert to normal. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Andx Posted November 16, 2009 Report Share Posted November 16, 2009 Hephaestus reappeared in front of Elincia and took her portion of Shadowbrink's counterattack."Are you okay?" she said concerned. He looked relatively fine and he simple nodded his head."That attack worked, but you're saying he can heal any attack?" She said in response to the headmaster."So if Shadowbrink is invincible, that means we attack Melvitica." Hephaestus growled. He wanted to get back into action quickly."Right then. Krieg, Hephaestus and I can keep Shadowbrink occupied but you need to focus on Melvitica. This won't get anywhere as long as he remains unharmed." Elincia said. Now that she thought about it, she had to wonder where Melvitica was. She hadn't really seen him since Shadowbrink was summoned. Then she remembered."Wait, bad plan, they're sort of the same thing aren't they? Then what's there to be done?" Elincia said.-------------------------------------------------Ephraim walked up to the strangers."I'm Ephraim." He said, holding out his hand to the driver as Hesperus offered hers to the sniper. He waited for their response to Hesperus' question. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jolta Posted November 16, 2009 Report Share Posted November 16, 2009 OoC: I was accepted, now where were we... Otto walked around. She was so bored as there was nothing to do. She couldn't possibly use her powers to play pranks... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Final Fantasy Revolution Posted November 17, 2009 Report Share Posted November 17, 2009 "We counter attack with our own summoning!" Metsuke detached his lantern and threw it in the air, it separated into six lanterns and they started spinning around Metsuke. "Dancing Lantern Ritual!" He called out and a pillar of light formed next to him and summoned out a creature that none have even heard of before. "When we were born we were each given a Shadowbrink summoning in hopes that we would make good with them. Well, I have! Meet my creation of heaven, Lightbrink!" The summon stepped forward and Shadowbrink stepped back. "He may not look very bright but his heart is all gold!" Metsuke shouted. [spoiler=image]   ~~~ Urks and Letty took their hands and shook them with good vitality. "Their called Go-suto and they have actually been in the city of Aeon for four months already. Only saying one word "students"." Letty explained and then looked around for any signs of more. Urks went real close to Ephraim's ear. "Letty suggested to the master Guardian that we should send one guardian to each of the schools but no one backed his case." Urks obviously didn't want Letty to hear him... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Enma Kozato Posted November 17, 2009 Report Share Posted November 17, 2009 after an hour of thinking Chase ad an idea he walked up to the butons and pressed them at exactly the same time and a spark flew from them and a door formed and opened "and the moral of the story if you have a choice between two things always pick both of them nless its life or death i guess then you'd be a zombie whatever." Chasre walked out of the room to find a series of elaborate halways "oh you just have to be fuckng with me." and chase chose the 16th hall and walked down it Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spirit of DMG Posted November 17, 2009 Report Share Posted November 17, 2009 *Laurryn gave into a fit of rage at Shadowbrink deflecting her attack. Her control was lost. Laurryn rushed the creature, daggers in her hands, and slashed and stabbed at him. She ran around him, to where his shadow was, and called forth her dragons. She swung at him from less than two feet away.* "Lets see you counter this you freak!" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Megami Seika Posted November 17, 2009 Report Share Posted November 17, 2009 "Elincia can I fuse with Hephaestus, naturaly I can, becaous hes a fire demon?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zaneko Posted November 17, 2009 Report Share Posted November 17, 2009 Dan release the energy he had let sliced off part of Shadowbrinks right wing. He started charging again. This was going to take a while. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Andx Posted November 17, 2009 Report Share Posted November 17, 2009 "The idea!" Hephaestus growled in response to Sarla."It's too dangerous. He's bonded to my soul as it is an-" she began to say but was cut off at the sight of the Headmaster's summoning."That thing, it's massive" she said. Elincia was truly surprised to see two massive summons in one place."Headmaster! Just tell me what I need to do to help you!" she said. She knew only the headmaster really had a shot at Shadowbrink now.---------------------------------------"So they were clearly after us. But how would they know that we were students at the Academy?" Ephraim said in response to the explanation. Then he realized something."Wait they've been in Aeon for four months? Doesn't that mean the Academy's in danger?" Ephraim said. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Enma Kozato Posted November 17, 2009 Report Share Posted November 17, 2009 Chase had tried 20 of the 21 hallways fallen into countless traps fought mssive creatures when he saw a door labeled Exit "oh my frikin god whoever brought me here is gonna get a major beatdown when i get out of here." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Megami Seika Posted November 17, 2009 Report Share Posted November 17, 2009 "Bu-But, I cant summon father..." Sarla Says quietly almost unaudiable, contimplateing her uselessness. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tempest Dahlia Posted November 18, 2009 Report Share Posted November 18, 2009 "Are those students still here?" Hesperus said. "And how did they get their hands on such powerful magic? Shouldn't someone be monitoring all powers used within Aeon?" She suspected a bit of foul play going on... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Enma Kozato Posted November 18, 2009 Report Share Posted November 18, 2009 Chase finally got out of the long hallway to open another door to find he was back to where he lived only no ooze or anything "ah peace quiet and a hard sstone ground to sleep on just how i like it." Chase lies down and dozes off only to have nightmares Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spirit of DMG Posted November 18, 2009 Report Share Posted November 18, 2009 *Laurryn steps into the middle of the court yard and forms her pistols.* "THIS HAS GONE ON LONG ENOUGH!" *Pulls the trigger firing her level 3 bullets* Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Final Fantasy Revolution Posted November 18, 2009 Report Share Posted November 18, 2009 ooc: Sorry all, I'm in Virginia right now for a funeral so my posts will be slowed for today and tomorrow. Shadowbrink was terrified of the light energy that Lightbrink gave off. But the Melvitica pushed him to press on. "What do you do? I'll tell ya what you and the students can do. Get ready to take Melvitica down when he's lost Shadowbrink!" Metsuke said. Light brink drew his blade from the sheath attached to his steed. It was infused with a light that was shining so brightly that it would've been confused for the light of heaven itself. "Now Lightbrink, use your Spiritual Shining Strike!" Lightbrink's steed took off and Shadowbrink charged for Lightbrink on Melvitica's orders. Lightbrink's blade went straight through Shadowbrink and the shadows went away instantly. Melvitica was now standing on the ground, all defenses down and wide open. "Now, take him now!" Metsuke said to the group. Krieg was first to act by spinning his blade in the air for ten seconds and then grabbing it. "Tornado Blast..." Krieg fired off the familiar blast that was composed of tornado's at Melvitica, making a direct hit and throwing him in the air... ~~~ "Course Aeon was being monitored, but the reports always came u the same. Average-Mild activity. I always wanted to investigate but the Master Guardian wouldn't allow it." Letty explained and then let Urks get back in the car. "The guardian that was always assigned to Aeon's power management was Melvitica. Hop in the back, we're heading over to that school right now to see what's up." Letty said, jumping in the front. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tempest Dahlia Posted November 18, 2009 Report Share Posted November 18, 2009 "No thanks, i'll ride my broom," Hesperus said. Thr broom reappeared from thin air. She hopped on. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Andx Posted November 18, 2009 Report Share Posted November 18, 2009 "There!" Hephaestus called as Melvitica appeared outside of Shadowbrink."Right, here we go Hephaestus, everything we've got!" Elincia called as the two used their full speed to appear in midair right above Melvitica."Twin Paths to Hell: Hydra Consummation!" the two yelled at once. Two incredbily large serpents of fire appeared baring their fangs. They both slammed down on Melvitica and slowly began to close their jaws. Normally Melvitica would've been dragged to the ground, but he was being supported by Krieg's Tornado Blast. Elincia wasn't ready to end it there though. She and Hephaestus formed hundreds of arrows of fire in a sphere around Melvitica."Impact End." the two said as the hundreds of arrows flew in at high speeds.As she was beginning to fall, Hephaestus grabbed Elincia and slowly set her back on the ground. They looked up and hoped the three attacks by themselves and Krieg would end it. Could Melvitica survive that?----------------------------------------Ephraim still had some things to ask Letty."Hesperus, I'll ride with these two. I still have some questions to ask." Ephraim said. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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