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The Guardians {Advanced} RP Started, Always Accepting(FFR is Co-Host)


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ooc: just so you know the students got knocked out of the battle field. Just saying, Laurryn isn't there.



Elincia was at least happy to know that her former headmaster wasn't responsible. Melvitica was incredibly strong. The wave of darkness was a sure sign of that. Elincia was certain she wouldn't be able to do much without giving it everything.

"Krieg, can you buy me some time? I think I have a shot at winning this but I'll need some time to prepare it." she said. She was ready to use the one ability she hadn't shown to anyone. At least, not anyone who was still alive.


Ephraim couldn't think of what to do against the creatures other than let the sniper finish them. It seemed things were going to get tricky, at least when it came to maneuvers.

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ooc: Sorry all, had to work a double today (8 am. till about now)


Krieg held up his blade and the headmaster started to whirl his lantern in the air. "Melvitica has almost the exact same attacks as mine." He said to Krieg. "Does that mean..." Krieg responded softly. "Yes, he even knows that attack." Krieg's blade started to glow. "Shining Slash..." He called out and a huge wave of light went flying at Melvitica. "Eternal Darkness!" He stopped the light attack and changed it into to shadow energy and commenced to fire it back. The headmaster threw his lantern and the darkness immediately fizzled out. "Krieg, that forms no good!" He said. "Right..." He put Lightera back in is cloak pocket and pulled out a clear crystal. "Aero, the wind crystal..." Krieg put Aero into his blade and the blade was now all white with the handle being very light blue.




The sniper took out the four oozes that were the closest to them in order to buy them some time while he reloaded. The driver, not being able to take his hands of the wheel shot one down with his pistol. He immediately had to dodge a bunch of boxes. "Don't risk our only attacking point dumbass!" The man yelled to the driver.

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Elincia took a few steps back, she needed to stay clear of the fighting until she had finished the technique. She held both of her hands straight in front of herself.

"I purify this sight for the place of our ritual." she said as she slowly moved her arms to her sides. A ring of fire formed around her about 6 feet in diameter. Inside of it all sorts of symbols began forming in it. Though a very rare talent, Elincia was going to perform a summoning. Melvitica and the headmaster were sure to know what it was once the circle formed. Not that she had ever shown it to either of them, but the headmaster had read things about summoning. Before she could continue the incantation she had to let energy build in the circle. Hopefully Krieg and the headmaster would distract Melvitica long enough so that she could finish.

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Kriegs sword began twirling in the air in front of him and as soon as ten seconds passed he grabbed it out of the air and swung. "Tornado Blast..." A ball as big as the size of a small village fired out of the tip of his sword. The ball was composed of tornado's that was mangle Melvitica up if it hit. "Childs play! Dark Energy Blaster!" Melvitica raised his hand to the ball of wind and hundreds of small bullet sized bits of darkness fired until the attack was depleted. "Forgot there was two of us?" The head master had Melvitica in the chain of his lantern. "Hardly, just waiting for you to do that! Shadow Current!" Melvitica grabbed the chain and sent a current of darkness that propelled the headmaster back into the wall of his barrier. "Ugh." He said as he re-summoned his lantern instantly ready to start another round.




As Sarla tried to open the barrier but failed more and more oozes started to collect until they were one giant ooze monster. "Gurgle..." It said as it's whip like tentacles smacked Sarla into the water surrounding Aeon academy. It was planning to kill all the students right there and now and started making it's way to Zeke and Lauryyn.


ooc: No, the school barrier is fire, Melvitica's is darkness. Your currently outside of all the barriers

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Wayne woke back up, startled at his change in scenery. He squinted at his surroundings, then got back up. "Oh, yes, I was outside the school," Wayne started to remember. At the next moment, Wayne sprang into action. Spotting the gigantic ooze monster, he decided to take action. Rushing into the scene, Wayne's wings formed like the last time, small glass-like particles emerging from every living thing and implanting itself on Wayne's back. Wayne glowed a faint gold while charging.

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OoC: dam I forgot the dark berrior. well im gona just kill the big slime.


The water starts to boil, Sarla jumps out her wings now larger than usual, she thrusts out her arm a fire blade apears in her hands not unlike the one she had befor, but this one has no hilt and flows directly from her increaseing the dammage but somewhat dammageing her after a while, but shes not angry shes crying, "Dam I can hear them, Screaming, SCREAMING!", Sarla, charges at it, She expands the with and length of the sword and chops at its arm .

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Ooc: maybe, but remember, Laurryn's powers are darkness as well, the wave of darkness did do some damage, but not as much as it did to the others. She was able to redirect some of the darkness in that wave into a counter attack to reduce damage. She did take some damage, but still.


"You may be powerful, but this attack will stop you in your tracks" *pulls the trigger to fire a level 2 bullet at Melvitica* "Now, lets see you stop THAT!"

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It's arm splits but then instantly reconnects. "Gragh!" It charges a large ball of darkness in it's mouth and then it fired a huge beam directly at Sarla. Right before it hit it split into ten and went completely around her, aiming at all the other students to hopefully kill them...




Krieg made slash into the air, liek he was swinging at nothing but in fact with every swing he was sending Sonic Slashes at Melvitica. However, Melvitica summons his blade and sends shadow slashes to deflect his slashes. The headmaster launches balls of fire rapidly at Melvitica as if his lantern were now some kind of turrent


ooc: even if you did redirect some of it it doesn't stop the fact that your outside of the barrier.

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It seemed that Melvitica hadn't noticed the summoning yet. Good for Elincia. The circle had built sufficient strength to continue.

"Arise from the depths of hell, O God of Flames. Let loose thy hellfire on those who oppose you." Elincia said. She hated how slow it was but the circle now had to build strength sufficient to call the summon to this world. Krieg and the headmaster had been okay so far, she just hoped it stayed that way.

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ooc: You do what you gotta do when players are in different areas


The sniper takes out four more, leaving about thirty to go. "I can separate um from ya if ya want me to! Me and Urks can take um by our selves if you'd rather that!" The sniper said, signifying that Urks was the drivers name. He flicked a switch on the bottom of the trucks floor and a special gun came out of the car bottoms secret compartment...




The headmaster was firing balls of fire at Melvitica but he was very quick on the dodge. Krieg fired Sonic Slashes at him but Melvitica was dodging them so well that they merely collided with the headmaster's fire balls. "Come now, Krieg, can't you do better? And you Metsuke can't you muster your other strengths!" That was the first time the headmaster's name had ever been uttered by someone who wasn't a headmaster himself.




The oozes chest opened up and he fired out hundreds of ooze bullets at Sara and anyone else who was inside the barrier. The bullets seemed to go everywhere and each student seemed to get their own little crop of bullets to evade, dodge, or block...

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OoC: its just me and the ooze in the berrior that I made.


The fire cannon completely forms, "Take this, Hell Fire Dragon!" A Dragon of flames shoots out of the cannon takeing the bullets and hits the Blob unfortunately the dragon was weakend by the bulets, Sarla stands there Wondering if it was enugh but still alert.

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ooc: Hesperus is in a whole other area then you Doku, also I really wanted all the other players that excluded from the main fight to be fighting the giant ooze in lieu of fighting Melvitica


ooc2: KWL you are fighting the giant ooze with the students


ooc3: Hayate, are you waiting for me or?



The dragon cuts through the ooze and explodes pieces of it all over the place. It rained black ooze like there was a hurricane starting, all seemed fine until the ooze formed from the pieces Sarla had just separated it into. However, it seemed to be weaker than when it was first formed...




The lightning makes a direct and powerful hit that takes out three blobs, the sniper takes out three more; giving a grand total of six more oozes taken out. The sniper commenced to reload his rifle, but luckily for the group there was no reloading time for Hesperus' magic.




Krieg uses the power of his wind control to increase his speed and fly towards Melvitica. He jumps and uses his power again to add more force to his downward strike. Melvitica raises his blade and blocks the attack but this gives Metsuke the opening he needed to fire three fireballs at Melvitica's back. Of course since Krieg was keeping him still at the time he was blow back and to the ground by the blasts. "Heh, not bad Metsuke, not bad..." Melvitica appeared behind Metsuke and gave a raging slash of darkness to his back, sending him down to the ground and sliding him several feet to where Krieg's location was...

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Elincia was ready to finish the summon. After this she would assist Krieg and the headmaster. The magic circle below her grew much brighter.

"Use this my soul as an anchor for your existence in this realm. Take what is thine from me in the end of all things. But grant me the strength to defeat my foe." She said. She formed an incredibly large fireball in front of her. Anyone would've thought she'd launch it at Melvitica. Instead she had it slam into her own body. Her body now flowing with flames, she continued.

"I call upon thee, Hephaestus!" At her words a pillar of fire flew up from the circle. A strange demon arose behind Elincia. Her overall appearance looked a bit different as well. In an instant she appeared right next to Krieg and the headmaster, her summon still with her.


Ooc: [spoiler=Summon Pic]




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Hesperus held her wand in the sky and drew energy from the clouds. These oozes were getting annoying. Stray lightning sparks flew through the sky as Hesperus prepared her attack.

"Everybody, brace yourself!"

She fired. Instantly, the broom recoiled and flew through the air as a huge lightning bolt from her want hit the oozes... And everything else.

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Melvitica scoffed at the summon that was just now created by Elincia. "My dear, do you really think any of this matters!" Melvitica said as he twirled his blade in front of his body for ten seconds and then grabbed it from the air. "No, it doesn't...." Melvitica cockily answered the question for her. "Because I to have a summon my dear girl." Melvitica suddenly stabbed himself through the heart and then collapsed onto the ground. The big ooze changed into several balls of darkness that broke the barrier surrounding the main fight and then combined with Melvitica's own person. A huge pillar of darkness erected from where his body was and from emerged something that was neither demon or human. "Call me Shadowbrink!" The new creature said...


ooc: everyone at the school is now fighting Shadowbrink, sorry for changing so often


[spoiler=Picture of new combination]







The bolt took out the remaining oozes but unfortunately also flipped over the snipers truck. Luckily he jumped out before taking any real damage. "Urks, you good?" The driver crawled out and then flipped the truck. "Yea, I'm cool, truck could use a lil' work though..." Urks said. The sniper looked up and smirked. "That was one powerful shout little lady!" He shouted up, wanting them to come down for introductions.


ooc2: I have work soon but I should be back between like 7-9, thanks for understanding my schedule guys I appreciate it; I'll be issuing everyone in this RP a rep during the course of today and tomorrow. If after tomorrow you do not receive a rep from me PM me


ooc3: OMG, I am so sorry ♥ RåŝρӀӞ℮ᴙʀɣ−ɴɨɨ−ƈħåɴ ♥, I thought Hayate accepted you! =O, please accept my apologies and you can join in the rp!

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