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The Guardians {Advanced} RP Started, Always Accepting(FFR is Co-Host)


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The Litch looked at Zeke and fired the first two bullets that Lauryyn first fired at him. He put an arm up to block the whip lashing, nothing really happened except that he slid on the ground. His guard did not break, he grabbed the whip and with a quick and powerful tug he through it off in the distance....




Dan looked for more loose rocks but it was hard to judge which ones were lose and the which ones were loose enough to pull out. The personified ooze looked straight at Dan and saw what he was doing. The situation had now become worse...

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ooc: you posted that the lazers hit him and pushed him back -_-

and no, I didn't forget what your whip does, the lich is just supposed to be that powerful because your fight is supposed to last as long as Elincias.


The Litch saw with ease what had to be done, it disappeared into the shadows. Suddenly Lauryyn and Zeke were now about to stab and attack each other. The Litch appeared a little ways away, his read eyed gleamed and a ball of energy started forming right in front of his hood...




In a surprise turn of events the ooze ignored Dan as well, almost as if he wanted them to be free and live out their lives. But then again, who knows.

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ooc: No, Lauryyn charged at The Litch and so did Zeke, that means you were both coming fom opposite directions. So if the litch disappears and you were both still charging at him to attack you would inevitably attack each other. Also chase, you weren't at the school at all so you con't know that all this is happening there.

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OOc:deleted im confused now i was told this whole place was at the school im not following ok where be the school and please tell me where i am so i can go to this school looking for something to do and now im gonna fix this

IC: chase wakes up on the ground of the alley confused "what a weird dream oh well." Chase goes back to sleep

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ooc: You are in Darkvale right now and the school is Aeon however Darkvale is also being overrun by oozes to


With the blink of his red eye the beam of blood red energy fired and collided with Lauryya's dragons. It took out one and the other he dodged by jumping to left of it, however the impact of Zeke's lazers with the second dragon hit the Litch with some powerful force and he slid back to the wall of the courtyard. He then threw throwing knives made of black ooze at Zeke and Lauryyn, five each to be exact.

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*Laurryn used her remaining dragon to block the ooze-knives, though the dragon dissolves.* "Curse the 17 seconds," she says as her blades reform. *She runs for the Litch again, and slashes him with one dagger when within range. The other dagger she uses to form a dragon, which she uses to attack the Litch.* "THIS...IS...AEON!"

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*drops her daggers, which vanish, and forms her whip* "And, just to be sure..." *Lashes the Litch 6 successive times with the whip. After doing so, breaths deeply, and reverts to her original form. The whip stays in her hand. Laurryn looks at it, and tries to crack it, but it vanishes as soon as she moves it.* "why did that just happen?" she says, confused.

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Chase wakes up to find a bunch of black creatures at the entrance to the allley "what are these tings." but then chase remembers his dreampuuls out his sword slashes all the black oozes so he can fly away and as he takes flight he says "i need to go to Aeon where i was in that dream maybe that;ll give me some answers."

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Zeke and Lauryyn could only look in shock as it could be seen that all they were attacking with the extra attacks was the clock the litch was wearing. The Litch itself formed again, naked and standing on the other side of the courtyard. Another cloak instantly appeared on his person and he walked slowly and calmly to Lauryyn. Lauryyn, being seaverly weekend, was no match for the litch now. He stopped over her and extended a cold shadowy hand to her neck, he grabbed her and started to grip her throat tightly. "Lightera, The light crystal." Krieg's blad turned all white and the handle was now shining gold. A wave of light energy swept the litch away from Lauryyn but only slide him back a couple of feet. "My turn..." He said as he got ready to fight.


ooc: Done for the night, tomorrow is another day


Dan saw what looked to be a vast field of nothing but infinite darkness, where were they and how could they escape this god awful place?

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