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The Guardians {Advanced} RP Started, Always Accepting(FFR is Co-Host)


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A vortex of darkness opened up under Dan suddenly and pulled him in, as soon as he was in it instantly closed leaving behind a small note for the rest of the group. It read only this: "Dearest Elencia, I told you I would get all of your students AND your precious school!" Now knowing what the note said it could only be the work of that shadowy man she encountered in the hallway...

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The vortex opened up and through Dan inside of a jail cell that looked old and very rusty. The vortex closed right in front of him, taking away his only escape route and making things rather difficult for Dan. A man shrouded in darkness was standing at the gate of the cell, he was smiling but one couldn't tell with the darkness and all.

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The viod opened out into a jail cell. Dan immediatly expanded his awareness, exploring the dimensions of his prison. If they think they're going to hold me, they are sadly mistaken. Dan thought grimly. If he couldn't find a way out, he'd just unlesh his insanity form on them. then they'd be sorry.

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"What?" Elincia said. Everything happened too fast. She'd reacted too slowly; she could've stopped it. That threat had come true.

"No....... no..... where are they?! Come out you coward!!" She yelled to the unknown figure, falling to her knees almost in tears.

"Bring him back. He didn't do anything, He was innocent." Elincia said now in tears. Why was she crying? This wasn't like her. She'd failed, that was why. Was this how a former Guardian handled things? No, a Guardian went full force immediately; left no opportunity to attack. She'd become soft over the course of a few years. She needed help.

"Krieg." She said abruptly getting up. She ran as fast as she could to the headmaster's office.

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may i join im bored and this looks...entertaining



Age: 13


Gender: male


City: darkvale


Appearance: [spoiler=appearance]10cjlma.jpg(my wings are folded into my back and hidden by my cloak)



Personality: An emo who only continues living because he believes that one day things will get better. he's truly a calm person and not very serious and usually just goes with the flow of things unless they seem either wrong or insane to him


History:an orphan whos lived on the streets his whole life abused by society because he was found as a freak for his abilities


Weapon of Choice/Abilities: Weapon: a tsurugi Abilities: extreme speed and has black feathered wings


so um... where when and how do i start

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ooc: Jamesjr111, finish the application first...

Chase1600 accepted



The man coughed for a moment to let Dan know he was there. "Good evening child, see any good portals of eternal darkness lately?" The man said, as if Dan's whole life and purpose was a mere joke to him. "See here, what ever plan you have to escape just tuck it away. And fear not, your friends will be here...soon enough..." The man disappeared, into the shadows...

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