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The Guardians {Advanced} RP Started, Always Accepting(FFR is Co-Host)


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ooc: Ok guys, I wanted to let everyone know that by Friday I should be okay to start roleplaying again. I've been extremely busy at work I thank you all for understanding and I hope you all continue to roleplay till I can make it back. As for my character just to clear any questions you may have is taking a break from the academy to gather information on recent events and for his own personal reasons. FFR's Character Kreig should be the fill in Headmaster until he returns. Thanks all and I'll be back to rping on here on Friday. Plz do not acknoledge this in your posts if it's necessary to speak with me plz PM me.

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Dan managed to avoid most of the dagger thrust but was still scratched and he completely dodged the bullet, countering the one heading to Drania with a shot of electricity. He grabbed he hand and twisted her around, confining her in an embace, her hands folded behind her. "I think you've underestimated me, Lauryyn."


He let out a low whistle as the wall of fire formed around him, "Impressive"

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OoC: Sorry I missed like, 300 posts. Can you guys fill me in over PM? Ill figure a way to get back in the RP again >_>.



IC: Zeke woke up suddenly, floating in a vast space of nothingness. In a distants, he cought a blue and a red light. The aurora's emited from the lights were overpowering. He extended his hand to the lights but felt compelled to reach for the red one. Abought a inch from the light he stoped. He lookde into the light and saw a single black feather. He moved towards the blue one. Inside there was a single wight feather. Moveing back to the red light he wondered what it could mean. A sudden shock of realization flowed through Zeke's head. Were was everyone Zeke thought... Laryn! Zeke quikly grabed the blue light and woke up from his state of mind. He saw Laryn and Dan fighting. "What the- what the hell is happyning? What are you doing Laryn?"

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Dan twitched right before each shot, following his hyper intuition, so that the shots went wild. "You really don't give up, do you?" Dan twisted her around and held her in a more secure hold. He stared directly into her eyes and released low voltages of electricity from his hands, numbing hers. "Please hold still."

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The bullet riochet's off of the side of her face that was once human, "Huh well the weakling is eather lucky or smart," Scarlet says her voice returning to drania's voice, She falls over and the once human parts return but in the process of tranceforming her clothes were riped off, Her now nude body lays on the flor unconcious.

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Ooc: just to remind everyone about the level 3 bullets:

"3) fires 10 bullets. they form a circle around Laurryn and then shoot outward. They send whatever they hit 1 mile away from Laurryn but this level causes her to revert to her original form and pass out for a full day."


"she was hit. perfect" Laurryn says weakly. *She falls to the floor, and reverts to her original form, unconscious*

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