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The Guardians {Advanced} RP Started, Always Accepting(FFR is Co-Host)


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"No, no!" The man said suddenly to Mephiles. "Names need to remain a secret until we get to the office!" He said, and then unlocked the front door to the school. Ass soon as they stepped inside of the school the man closed it and then locked it up again. It was strange, a school door that is always locked up tight? It was night time after all though, no reason to be suspicious...yet. "Come..." The man said, he didn't turn on any lights and still only had the lantern as he guided her up the front stairs and to the very back door of the first hallway. He unlocked and open the door to let her in...

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ooc: Oh. Well in that case *throws down smoke bomb and runs away* lol. Sorry, I apologize.


The man turned off the lantern but then flicked on the rooms light soon after. "Welcome, welcome!" He said and then went to got sit in the desk chair. "My name is Kuroppoi Rinjoukan, headmaster of the Shadow Pine school." Kuroppoi explained. "And you might be?"

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OOC: Accepted Final, oh btw...you spelt ass instead as as... if you did that on 4Kids; it be trouble.


"Im Mephiles." He Replyed, taking a Seat and removing his Backpack from his Sholders before sitting down. He Grabed out a Folder containing some Infomation on his Powers and Background, which was required to make sure the school has some idea on his training and class requirements.


"Here Mr. Rinjoukan, My Profile...All containing the infomation about me the school asked for."

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"Yes, yes!" He said, gently taking the folder from his hands. He read it over quick and with some minor smirks and frowns along the way. It took him about seven minutes to read the whole thing. "Hm, well everything seems to be in order Mephiles, let me get your room assignment for you." He took out a clipboard and looked it over. "Yes, you seem to be in Room 24, Building A, 2nd Floor." He looked up and then put the clipboard away. "Now let me explain to you what will happen in the next few days." The Headmaster began...

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OOC: OK, I got school so im off to bed, see you around 4-ish. And just to note, Friday is my birthday so i might not make it then...


The Headmaster was Explaning for the next 25 minuites how the school was going to Test the Students abitlys via Tests, both mental and phiscial. They was also going to socialise the students so they can comunicate better in team situations and see if they can find ways to combine there powers.


"Ok, I Understand...Well..Thank you Princapal..and Goodnight." Mephiles said while geting his backpack.

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Elincia, and the dragged Dan, entered the room. Elincia let Dan walk on his own again. Elincia shut the door behind her.

"I'd like to keep this brief you three." she said to the students.

"First, Laurryn and Dan I think it was, I want you to promise me you won't say anything about Drania's appearance to anyone she doesn't want to know. Second, Drania and Dan, I want you two to say nothing about Laurryn's issues controlling her powers. Is this understood? I won't stand for you revealing anyone's else's secrets without their consent." she said letting that sink in. She turned to Laurryn.

"Don't worry about your powers, you're very lucky to be in Aeon Academy. If we can do anything here, it would be to teach you control." she said. Then she turned to Dan.

"And I want you to tell me everything that happened between you and that spider but we can do that outside." Elincia said, knowing Laurryn was sensitive to the subject.

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"So..." Wayne's head popped out behind the door. He wanted to talk to Elincia himself, but seeing that there were multiple people in the room, something important might have been up. To listen, which was his favorite passtime, he stood silently by the door. Noticing the people were talking about leaving, he quickly scrambled to the back of the door. When the door opened, he got squished between the door and the wall, and attempted to stay there, but couldn't handle it. So, instead, he wished to introduce himself.

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"Drania! What's going on?" she asked. Drania looked ready to hurt someone. Drania didn't look like she'd respond well to talk. Instead she turned to the others.

"Dan! Laurryn! Back off!" She yelled wanting them out of harm's way fast.

"And you behind the door, whoever you are! You should get away from her." Elincia said to the stranger behind the door.

Then Laurryn transformed again.

"Honestly, the whole world's falling apart today." Elincia thought in reaction to the sudden transformations.

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Dan caught the change in Lauryyn's biofield field in time to jump out of her way. She flicked her whip at Drania. Dan caught it and turned it aside with a gust of wind. Before she could strike again, he formed a small tornado and wrenched it from her hand, coiling it up. "Calm done girl!" he whispered to her, holding her back.

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"Dan, if you can handle Larryn I'll take care of Drania!" she said seeing that Dan appeared more useful then she first thought.

She stepped up to face Drania one more time.

"Last chance Drania, calmly turn back to normal and nothing has to happen." she said ready to defend herself regardless.

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Elincia half rolled her eyes to herself. She hated having to get serious but the situation was getting serious fast.

"Enough!!!" she yelled as she held her hands out to the sides. Fires burst into the hall. Tight walls reaching from the floor to the ceiling surrounded Dan and Laurryn. Knowing it wouldn't work as well on Drania she opted for chains. Hundreds of chains of fire appeared and wrapped around Drania holding her in place. Elincia placed a shield of flames in front of Dan and Drania to gaurd the bullets.

"Now you will ALL calm down!!!" Elincia yelled fire now freelly flowing from her.

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