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The Guardians {Advanced} RP Started, Always Accepting(FFR is Co-Host)


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"I can't really say. It was more a reaction to grief I think. We were desperate for something. I don't really view the transformation as a burden even though I can't come out in public with it. I don't think my family does either. I think we were all looking for something to help us, we didn't really expect everything to be solved just get better. But I think I was more looking for an opportunity to reclaim my old personality. You know, finally move on. I didn't expect the school to so much do it but more just being there and meeting people." Ephraim said.

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"You see that's just like me. I'm a mass of contradictions. I can't decide on one so I go back and forth between the two; hoping things will make sense if I do. But as for school, I do well there so it won't be too long before I graduate so I figured I might as well finish it. But that's just me going between the two options. Regardless of what I say I'm not fully committed to school or becoming a Guardian. I can't get out of the past but I want to. I hate it myself. Never having confidence in anything I do is annoying, and I don't like living like that. But even when it seems to drive me mad I never do anything about it." Ephraim said.

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"It happened at least a century ago. No one knew who he was before he did it,when he did it, or after he did it. He simply appeared and left, at least according to the records. Unfortunately our family records aren't too clear on that; or any record for that matter. No one in Darkvale has any record on him. It doesn't say anything as to why it happened or who he was. But why are you so curious all of a sudden?" Ephraim asked.

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"Woah, calm down a bit Hesperus. This guy couldn't possibly be alive. He did it over one hundred years ago and was already probably middle aged at the time. Even someone of that skill couldn't live much longer than most people." Ephraim said. Even bringing up this point he figured Hesperus would have a response; she always did.

"But I have to ask, why do want to go through all this trouble for me? Two or three days ago you didn't even know me. But now you're saying you want to track down some wizard no one knows anything about?" Ephraim said.

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Krieg and Dan entered the headmasters office and walked over to his desk. "Your name, what is it." Krieg sad to the student who was following him all this time. Krieg pulled out a clipboard with student names and room numbers. "I can quickly look up your room number if I knew your name...so if you would." Krieg said.

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OOC: Ok, Here i go...


A Mysterous Teen was walking along the Streets of Shadow Pine; a Rural town infested with Crime. He was wearing a T-shirt with the sleaves ripped off, Dark blue jeens and a short Black and Purple Trenchcoat. His hair was Spiky, pointed downwords and had few highights of sliver and Purple. He stoped along the Lagoon, noticing a Island with a Large complex of Buildings on it.


"Is that The place?" He Whispered. Suddenly, a Mugger grabed him by his thoat and pointed a Knife to his neck.


"Ok Kid, Give me your walet or your going home in very small Boxes!" He commaned. Yet the Kid smiled, even starting to Sniker. his eyes turned from a Pale blue to a Dark purple with the Irus shaping into a more cat-like apearance. As it happened; shards of crystal started growing from the Childs Right arm, shaping and sharping into a Sword which was attached to himself;


"You have no Idea who your Playing around With, do you?.." He replyed, swiping the sword at the Mugger, opening his flesh to just a inch of its organs. The mugger coplased in shear pain, releasing its grip on the Crystaline kid. He just then wandered off, like nothing had Happened...

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OoC: I assume the school has a libary...and tests are done :D


Jack lay on his bed, thinking about todays events. What was he to do now??? Strangly enough he was unable to sleep so instead he jumped out of his bed and decided to explore. Wandering around aimlessly trying to find something fun to do. After a few minutes and a pee on a few flowers he decided to check out the libary to see if he could find anything on the spider from earlier. Reading.....well maybe if there was a comic book or something about it.

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"Forgive my ignorance on the matter but what do they mean?" Ephraim said. Upon looking closer at the second card he thought he might have guessed the meaning. He understood Hespersus' blushing if he was correct. So he might have guessed the second card but the first was a mystery to him.

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An awkward silence followed. Ephraim had guessed the second card correctly. He suddenly felt embarrassed. He tried to change the subject.

"I think I get the second well enough but what about the Temperance? How's that related to this?" he said.

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"Right then. Then I guess I should come out and tell you. I haven't actually been to my school in over a month. I got bored with it and my mother was fine with it so I stopped. I guess I only used it as an excuse to leave. I'm sorry I lied to you. Though if we go to Darkvale we might try searching the records for that magician. You seem to have better luck then most people so you might find something no one else did." Ephraim said.

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"Your in building B, Floor 4, Room 123. Heh, odd room number..." Krieg said and then tucked the clipboard back into his new top right desk drawer. "By the by, tell any student ya see that there's nothing planned for tomorrow except an assembly at 4:00 pm." Krieg led Dan out of the office and shut the door...

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Ephraim continued on the way. He felt better now that he'd told her. And though he wouldn't say, he felt more determined to become a Guardian. Just a strange feeling he got.


"So, Hayate left?" a voice said in Krieg's office as he was about to turn around from closing the door.

"He always did have a habit of leaving the hard work to others." said the voice. It was Elincia Marseille another teacher at the Academy. She'd arrived late due to various unimportant reasons and decided to pay the head master a visit. She'd been expecting Hayate but seeing Krieg wasn't a surprise.


ooc: alright, second character revealed! By the way FFR, I assume Hayate told you somewhat about my teacher character. If not there it is, pm me and I'll send you the details if you want, I made this about the same time I was originally accepted since he asked.

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"Ah, Elincia. How good it is to see you again I suppose." Krieg turned to her and then sat in the Headmasters chair. "That assembly tomorrow is partly about you actually, announcing that your the new second in command so to speak..." Krieg explained while looking over some papers. "And of course there's the matter of out tournament..."

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