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The Guardians {Advanced} RP Started, Always Accepting(FFR is Co-Host)


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Is this ok? and if its ok, can you tell me were shoud i start off...


Name: "Mephiles"


Age: 16


Gender: Male


City: Shadow Pine


Appearance: A Slim Build, He normal wears a Sleveless Black top with Dark blue Jeens. He wears a Open Black with Purple Short Trenchcoat. His Hair is Dark Purple with Silver highlights, Spiky but points downwords.


Personality: Mephiles is a Type which does not socalises or Even talk much. Desiding hes Better off alone then working as a Groop. He also reckless, which has Lead to Deverstating Results. He seems his Goal in life is to find a Way to Cure his "Curse" or at least control it. His fears are that He will one day Lost control of Himself due to his Powers and possably deverstate Everyone around him...


History: Mephiles is the only name he Knows, Since he was Orphaned and has not Record of ever Existing execpt at the Shadow Pine Acdemany. Once a Happy, Social Child with Friends, He found The Legendary Stone "The Imortalis Crystal" When Exploring a Old Eygption Cave, He got Inbuned with its Mystic engery and gained his Powers. Since on, Hes powers have caused him to gain D.I.D (Dissociative identity disorder) And Became unsocial due to the fact he has Hospitalised Several people due to his "Demonic Side" as he calls it.


Weapon of Choice/Abilities: His powers is Known as "Petrokenesis"; The power to Control and Manulate Crystal Compounds and Elements. This also Allows him to change the atomic and mocleaur Structure of them, able to Increace and Decreace there Dualibtly or shape them into weapony or armor. This though does Drain his Life forse due to the Constent Mapunlation of his Mystic Engery from the Inmortalis Crystal. As well of his Draining of Power, hes Weakness is Large amounts of Psychic Engery which Interfear with his Powers and also Sets off his D.I.D.


Other: Just to Note, he is Unable to create Complex Weapony like guns, Bombs, Lasers, Bow and Arrows and ect..Only Melee Weapons like Swords and Scythes.

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Ephraim heard noise outside his room not too long after he had entered. Most likely the new student finding a room. Ephraim waited until the night was well on. He was thinking about what he should do. A strong feeling that he shouldn't stay at the Academy arose in him and he wanted to know why. Spending a good time thinking about it he finally went to sleep.

Ephraim woke up very early the next morning. Back in human form he got up and began to write a note. He had to go back to Darkvale for the day because of school. His few friends there didn't know anything about the Academy. He wrote the note to Hesperus as he knew he wouldn't be able to give a proper apology while speaking. When he finished, it still being a bit before dawn, he walked out and left it at the foot of Hesperus' door. She'd find it later, he hoped she'd read it as well but he wouldn't find out. The Academy already knew the schedule of the students as to when they would be on and off the campus so he didn't need to bother telling anyone he was going. He walked off the Academy grounds and headed for Darkvale. When he was about half way there, the sun had already been risen for a bit, he thought on the apology he wrote to Hesperus.


I feel I have to apologize. I'm not good at talking and I knew I would never properly apologize to you outside of writing. I'm sorry my inability to communicate hurt you. I won't try to excuse what I said, but I would like you to know that I never intended to hurt your feelings, and I am incredibly sorry that I did.

But I realize now that I'm not meant to befriend people. I always end up hurting them one way or another. I don't want this to happen to anyone ever again. I know better than to continue in a foolishly futile effort. If this is what fate has in store for me, to avoid making friends to avoid hurting them, then I will have to accept that. Fighting fate hasn't gotten me anywhere, all it did was hurt your feelings. And while going with fate may make me unhappy, I would feel worse if I continued to hurt you or anyone else.

I thank you for befriending me, however brief it was. I was glad to have made a friend. But I'll understand if you never want to see or talk to me again. In fact, by the time you actually read this, I'll be far away from Aeon's Academy. I wish you all the best luck in becoming a Guardian Hesperus. Because chances are very high that I won't be there to see it happen.


Ephraim continued on his way to Darkvale. Certain he wouldn't ever amount to what it took to be a Guardian, he had decided he shouldn't waste the Academy's time.

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Something distracted Ephraim. A card flying in the air? It seemed to be following him. It stopped when he did and followed him when he moved. He reached out to take it.

"What am I thinking, there couldn't possibly be anything on it. This has to be chance..... But if anyone, I bet Hesperus could do this." he thought as he opened the card.

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"What the hell!"

Hesperus pushed Ephraim down to the ground, holding the purple card in her hand. She showed the card to him. A jester bouncing on a huge ball- The Fool.

"Is this what you think l am!?" she said, throwing the card past his face. "How DARE you leave me like that! You idiot!!! You stupid, stupid IDIOT!!!!!!!!"

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"What the...." Hesperus' appearance was unexpected to say the least.

"How did you...." he knew better than to wonder how Hesperus did what she did, instead he looked at the card.

"No I don't think that at all." Ephraim said as he got up and brushed himself off. He really hadn't expected this reaction.

"I meant what I said. I don't want to hurt anyone anymore. Especially you, one of my only friends." Ephraim said.

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"Why?" Ephraim said. Things weren't making sense to him. He honestly felt that his friendship with someone would, or rather could only, hurt them.

"Am I, someone as worthless as me, really worth all that effort?" Ephraim said.

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Is this ok? and if its ok' date=' can you tell me were shoud i start off...


[b']Name:[/b] "Mephiles"


Age: 16


Gender: Male


City: Shadow Pine


Appearance: A Slim Build, He normal wears a Sleveless Black top with Dark blue Jeens. He wears a Open Black with Purple Short Trenchcoat. His Hair is Dark Purple with Silver highlights, Spiky but points downwords.


Personality: Mephiles is a Type which does not socalises or Even talk much. Desiding hes Better off alone then working as a Groop. He also reckless, which has Lead to Deverstating Results. He seems his Goal in life is to find a Way to Cure his "Curse" or at least control it. His fears are that He will one day Lost control of Himself due to his Powers and possably deverstate Everyone around him...


History: Mephiles is the only name he Knows, Since he was Orphaned and has not Record of ever Existing execpt at the Shadow Pine Acdemany. Once a Happy, Social Child with Friends, He found The Legendary Stone "The Imortalis Crystal" When Exploring a Old Eygption Cave, He got Inbuned with its Mystic engery and gained his Powers. Since on, Hes powers have caused him to gain D.I.D (Dissociative identity disorder) And Became unsocial due to the fact he has Hospitalised Several people due to his "Demonic Side" as he calls it.


Weapon of Choice/Abilities: His powers is Known as "Petrokenesis"; The power to Control and Manulate Crystal Compounds and Elements. This also Allows him to change the atomic and mocleaur Structure of them, able to Increace and Decreace there Dualibtly or shape them into weapony or armor. This though does Drain his Life forse due to the Constent Mapunlation of his Mystic Engery from the Inmortalis Crystal. As well of his Draining of Power, hes Weakness is Large amounts of Psychic Engery which Interfear with his Powers and also Sets off his D.I.D.


Other: Just to Note, he is Unable to create Complex Weapony like guns, Bombs, Lasers, Bow and Arrows and ect..Only Melee Weapons like Swords and Scythes.


ooc: Accepted, Just so everyone knows here FFR is my Co-Host so he has the ability to accept people as well.


Hayate couldn't get his head on straight, "This is like me why am I so distracted and what is this feeling?" Hayate watched as Kreig did most of the work saving the kids. He walked over to Kreig and talked for a few then he turned to the students. "Unfournitly I have alot I need to figure out and work on with everything thats been happening, so as of right now Krieg will be the temporary Headmaster of the Academy while I go and investigate the events that have occurred lately. Kreig you know how to get a hold of me if something else goes wrong " With that he nodded his head at Kreig and fled the scene in order to clear his mind and investigate the recent events.

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"I can't today!" He said.

"I actually had to leave today anyway. I need to get back to my school in Darkvale; I haven't graduated in case you didn't know. It's only 3 days of the week but I can't afford to miss a day." Ephraim said. He thought on Hesperus' words. What she said was true, but he couldn't help it. At least he thought he couldn't.

"But if you're still worried then I'll promise you now that I'll come back tonight." Ephraim said.

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"What? What do you mean? Don't you trust me? But then again I haven't really given you reason to." Ephraim said, his eyes glancing away as he finished speaking. His dumb habit of volleying ideas and options, whether in thought or out loud, was coming up again.

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"You're serious about this then?" He sighed. But inside he was just amazed that she cared to such an extent, about someone she barely knew even.

"I can see I'm not going to get you to stay behind. Let's go then." He said as he began walking again.

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"I didn't really leave. It's not so much that I just up and left school for the Academy. In fact, my family, and even myself, had really only thought of the Academy hoping it could either teach me how to remove my tiger form or at least find a way to prevent the side effect of not transforming. There were, and still are, hopes of me having a normal life. Me being gone is tough enough on my mother as it is, I don't know how she'd react to me giving up on school." Ephraim said.

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