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The Guardians {Advanced} RP Started, Always Accepting(FFR is Co-Host)


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Dan tentatively touched the large net like barrier infont of him. It was hard and unyeiding. It smelled of glue and bug. Dan closed his eyes and relaxed, allowing his awarness to expand. He found three large creatures just past the barrier. He opend his eyes and his awareness snaped back to it's normal range. He focused on the barrier, looking for a weak spot but could find none.

"Let's do this the hard way then." Dan clenched his fist and channeled electrical energy into his arm. It sparked and glowed slightly, casting strange strange shadows on his face. He gave it twenty seconds to charge before slamming his fist into the barrier. Several cracks formed from the point of impact.

"Hmm," Dan mused. This time he whipped up a strong twisting wind around his fist, drill-like, and slammed it into the barrier. It had no effect at first, aside from straining Dan's arm, but a fine powder started flying from the area as he held his hand there. "Progress," Dan grunted.

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Wayne held onto a narrow pole ejecting out from the ceiling. His hands were use to the grip, so it was easy for him to look below him. He did not notice his surroundings when he came, so Wayne decided to take them in now. It was a dark... he was probably in a sewer. It's age was indicated by the many spider webs and the cracks in the fragile, quivering walls. He could hear quite a bit of noise from one of the many, dark corridors, and decided to follow the sound.


Attempting to climb from pole to pole, Wayne slipped a few times, others, he quickly darted his hands back; something was prickling his skin. A decision was made by hm, whatever was making that noise wanted to figure out about the sewer just as much as Wayne did. After taking a small entryway, Wayne found himself showered with a white powdery dust, filling his eyes, making him water. Immediately, with no noise, he scrambled to the celing again, this time, hanging all fours in the air. He tried to take in his surroundings, but the noise and the powder seemed to block his main senses.

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Hayate glared at Krieg, "Yes it is but no one else is here, God I hope all the students are ok. We need to find someone to help us figure out what happened. Lets split up, Krieg you check the eastern halls and I'll take the western we will meet in 5 minutes by the main gate. If by then we haven't figured out anything we must alert the Academy and all students will be taking action into protecting the other students. Also if action calls for it don't be afraid to use the device I gave you to deactivate the rest of the students barrier and unleash their full powers, but be warned we don't yet fully understand their potential so use it wisely." Hayate spoke with great passion for his students, he really cared for each of them and understood what it was like to once be them. He rushed toward the western corridors as he left Krieg to the eastern side.

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"Got it!" Krieg yelled down to Hayate, just before he ran out of ear shot. He started off for the eastern halls at once. After running down the halls for about a minute he encountered a boy and a girl, they were hugging and showing that they shared some kind of bond and the girl also seemed to have been crying. "You there, students." Krieg said as he approached them.

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Hayate continued to run through the halls but could not find a single trace of a student. "Where in gods name is everyone?" Hayate continued down the hall turning right as he reached the end of the hall he instead cleared the stairs with a single leap. "Come on if I can find someone, Anyone here?" he yelled as he started up the next hall way.

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"As far as I know the rest of the students are in the northern commons, but I need you two to come with me now to the front gate if you'd please." Krieg said and then thought it'd be a good idea to say who he was so the children didn't fright. "My name is Krieg, a teacher here at the school, now come for Hayate is waiting..." It had been a few moments now and their set deadline to be at the front gate was getting closer.

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Dan finally bore a hole through the barrier. He opened his fist then reclenched it, releasing the swirling wind in an outward burst, shattering the barrier along the cracks. Dan stood in the dusty opening and examined the situation. A huge man-like spider stood near too youths.

"Ah, I'm a new student here so tell me, is this student get-together or is it a prey and hostage taking thing?"

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Wayne moved quickly to the nearest place to hide. He would rather not draw attention to himself. Noting that now there were many more people, which meant a greater chance of spotting him, he hid deeper in the shadows. Now that the particles of dust cleared, he could see a bit better than before. Wayne could also hear better.

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Ephraim continued down the hall with Hesperus. They needed to find Hayate. Something bad was going to happen and it would be best to get as many of them together as they could. Ephraim didn't say much. He was absorbed in thought. The two seemed like they were approaching the area the spider monster had disappeared from. With any luck they would find Hayate or someone in the area. Ephraim didn't like it but he'd have to be in his tiger form when they met the others.

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Within a minute or two the group of Krieg and the two students were at the front get. Krieg took out his pocket watch and looked at it, he then tucked it away and sighed. "He's a minute off schedule, and he calls me the lazy and late one..." Krie gave another sigh and then turned to the students. "We'll wait for him here." He said.

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"I'm fine. I've never liked showing anyone but I eventually got comfortable with it in the Darkvale Academy. It's actually kind of funny to see the mixed bag of reactions sometimes." Ephraim said. They were back at the battle scene. Still no one there. Ephraim decided that maybe Hesperus' psychic prowess might assist them.

"Any idea where they might be?" he asked her.

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