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War of Worlds: Light & Darkness Clash! [BASIC] (Started)


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[align=center][spoiler=Plot]Years ago, a Legendary battle commenced. The World of Light, and the World of Darkness fought for 17 years. The team of Light (the Lumonians), and the team of Darkness (the Shadnoids), were outraged as each team heard a story that the opposite team was planning on infiltraiting them and killing their strongest warrior. That is how the war began.


73 years later, stronger teams have assembled, and the leaders of each team are planning on starting a new war...



[b]Weapon / Power:[/b]
[b]Team(Lumonians or Shadnoids):[/b]
[b]Team rank:[/b]


[spoiler=Rules!]1) All YCM Rules Apply

2) All Club Rules Apply

3) Do not kill any characters unless told so.

4) Do NOT argue with me.


[spoiler=Teams!][spoiler=Lumonian Ranks]#1 Team Leader - Codey / Eisaka Torimino

#2 Team Co-leader - Lunar Roze / Avaron Ryuuzaki

#3 Team Commander - White Wind / Natsuki Dimono

#4 Team Sergeant - Kenny Bohner / Kenny Bohner

#5 Team General - RRayR / Blake Cephus

#6 Team Spy/Ultra Assualt Unit - KWLegend / Zeke Tranis

#7 & Below | Rest of Team.


[spoiler=Shadnoid Ranks]#1 Team Leader - Compass3 / Matthew

#2 Team Co-leader - Kazekage-------Gaara / Black

#3 Team Commander - zaneko / Dan Kurokiba

#4 Team Sergeant - Dylan 101 / Nakamura Kiato

#5 Team General -

#6 Team Spy/Ultra Assualt Unit - VK-Duelist / Dark Seed

#7 & Below | Rest of Team.



[spoiler=My App]Name: Eisaka Torimino.

Age: 14.

Appearance: Eisaku___So_Lonely__by_Lasaro.jpg

Personality: Kind, Respecting, Responsible.

Weapon / Power: Power | Can shoot ice through his fingertips. Can also concentrate the ice through his body, while his body temperature melts the ice, so Eisaka can shoot hot water out of his fists.

Team(Lumonians or Shadnoids): Lumonians.

Team rank: Leader.


[spoiler=Accepted Apps][spoiler=Lunar Roze]Name:Avaron Ryuuzaki

Age: 16

Appearance: Huee_anime.jpg

Personality: She is lawyas seen by herself, eating apples. She's very quiet (in the shyish way). She is veru negative and harsh on herself. On others, she is alwyas complimenting them and smiling. However, she has another personality inside her. that personality is strong, very kind, and very stubborn. That sidde only comes out when Avaron cannot handle reality.

Weapon / Power: Her weapon is a rose thorn whip that is very hard to break (unless using fire or other elemtnts to destroy it)

Team(Lumonians or Shadnoids): Lumonians

Team rank: Co-leader

[spoiler=Compass3]Name: Matthew (I have alot of names to keep track of!)

Age: 13

Appearance: Here's the link: http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.quizilla.com/user_images/C/CR/CRA/crazyrTHANu882/1177548144_sAnimeBoy3.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.roleplaygateway.com/shonen-t28525.html&usg=__V7rssZvDJE0-US7VfA2T0GkfJNY=&h=400&w=400&sz=29&hl=en&start=28&sig2=DfRYhlZc2J4wiay2q9HIEw&tbnid=yqFBhTQJf6XBiM:&tbnh=124&tbnw=124&prev=/images%3Fq%3DAnime%2Bboy%26gbv%3D2%26ndsp%3D20%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26start%3D20&ei=z6bhSuG1F4SyNoOpsAs

Long, is it not?

Personality: He is usually kind and warm-hearted, amazingly for a shadnoid. Has no rivalry with the other teams, and just wants to get along. HE has multiple personalities, that will devlop thoughout the game.

Weapon / Power: A flail, which he channels elemental magic though (Earth, air, fire, water.)

Team(Lumonians or Shadnoids): Shadnoids

Team rank: team leader!


[spoiler=Kazekage-------Gaara]Name: Black

Age: looks 25

Appearance: 276a371.png

Personality: Sneering, Riddling, and evil. Loves to confuse people and Act.

Weapon / Power: Leather Bound Tome. Can create things to a point. (No God-moding, but he is strong). Teleports.

Team(Lumonians or Shadnoids): Shadnoid

Team rank: Co-Leader


[spoiler=WhiteWind]Name: Natsuki Dimono



Personality:Shy, helpful, friendly, easily annoyed

Weapon / Power:Broken Butterfly Dual Wield (2) (Weapon) Multiply (Power)

Team(Lumonians or Shadnoids):Lumonians

Team rank:Commander


[spoiler=Kenny Bohner]Name: Kenny Bohner

Age: 19

Appearance: The link wouldn't work, so I suppose I could just describe him (Stands at about 6 feet tall [a little better than 2 meters], weighs 200 pounds with thick, black hair, styled in a dude-get-a-haircut moptop. Has blue eyes with a yellow ring around the center, and darker-than-your-average-cracker skin. He typically dresses simply, in a tee-shirt and jeans, with a large broadsword mounted on his back. b451453.png

Personality: He's considered highly intelligent by those around him, though he very rarely takes anything outside of the realm of politics seriously at all. He appears very unreliable at first, but, when motivated, has all of the potential in the world.

Weapon / Power: Has large blade, which is more than capable of cleaving most enemies in half, and can also cast very basic, very crude elemental spells, and when his back's against the wall, can unleash a huge blast of energy from the center of his being.

Team (Lumonians or Shadnoids): Lumonians

Team rank: Low at first, though progresses to a high-ranking general as the plot progresses.


[spoiler=RRayR]Name: Blake Cephus

Age: 26

Appearance: Blake has dirty-blond colored hair, and brown eyes. His face usually inflicts a feeling of joy and happiness into the air, but can be deadly in times of combat. Height of around 6'11", and weighing around 210 Pounds, his over-looming structure can scare some.

Personality: He obtains a nice reflection throughout the day, despite the troubles he's been through. Quite laid-back, he has a looser, peaceful tone, and tries to resolve unfinished missions or interruptions with peace.

Weapon / Power: Blake can emit radiation from his body for healing and combat. Similar to the sun, he must convert elements in order to produce the energy he needs for battling. As of course, over-using this ability will cause Radioactive Contamination, and UV Poisoning, so he tries to use it to a lesser extent. He wields wings on his back, which appear to be made plainly out of glass. These wings provide his source of hydrogen, and his container for helium. It renews itself every day. So, basically, the wings are his lifespan.

Team(Lumonians or Shadnoids): Lumonians

Team rank: General


[spoiler=zaneko]Name: Dan Kurokiba

Age: 15

[spoiler=[b]Appearance:[/b]] auyzxy.jpg


Personality: Dispite being one of the shadnoids he looks having fun and is know for saying "I might have to kill you but do you want to be friends?" He is easyly distracted from the battle but his near impossible speed and reaction make up for it. He fights either with unique martial arts or weapons.

His outlook changes once one of his other personalities takes over. His personality Lan uses harmonic powers and fights barehanded in brawling style. The personality called Zan uses void powers and fights using traditional weapons. The Chaos personality, Van fights by the most vicious means and aims to completely and painfully annihilate the opponent, atom by atom.

Because these are only fragments of the original personalit created to manage his powers, they can only be in control for at most ten minutes.


[spoiler=[b]Weapon / Power:[/b]]

Has the ability to warp weapons from a storage dimension. He has Three further abilites.


Void- used mostly by Zan, it releases beams or masses of destructive energy. Can also open portals to the featureless Void to trap opponents and seal powers. The most balanced. He uses swords, spears, bow and arrows or a scythe


Harmony- used by Lan to change the stucture of object at microscopic levels level. Works best on non-living objects so Lan uses it to trap opponents or for protection. He fights his knuckes.


Chaos- disrupts the arrangement of particules to completely destroy them. Used by Van through his guns, it works best on non-living matter as living ones life force weakens the effect and tends to hold the particules in place, causing only pain. He weilds a range of weapons from hand guns to cannons.


Beacause Dan is the balance of the three, his powers are a mix of the three, which persents itself as electricity.



Team(Lumonians or Shadnoids): Shadnoids

Team rank: Commander


[spoiler=VK-Duelist]Name: Dark Seed

Age: ?????

Appearance: A blob of a tar.

Personality: None. Is able to be controlled by anyone who's been touched by him. (It's not pleasant and leaves a black scar)

Weapon / Power: Shapeshift but unable to talk.

Team(Lumonians or Shadnoids): Shadnoids

Team rank: Spy/Ultra Assualt Unit


[spoiler=KWLegend]Name: Zeke Tranis

Age: 13

Appearance: animebrownboy.png

Personality: Zeke is timid and secretive unless you know him.

Weapon / Power: Two Daggers in witch he chanels electricity and ice.

Team(Lumonians or Shadnoids): Luminians

Team rank: Team Spy/Ultra Assualt Unit


[spoiler=Dylan 101]Name: Nakamura Kiato

Age: 17

Appearance: their_story_by_aiki_ame.jpg

Personality: A lone ranger. He aligns himself with evil to give him guidelines, then he goes off on his own and will strike anyone who gets in his way. A skilled swordsman who wields two blades. One day he came across a bright red stone, stuck in a rock. His curiosity got the better of him so he reached out and grabbed it. There was a blinding flash and he felt flames licking him from every direction, yet strangely, it didn't hurt. Once it stopped, he unsheathed his blades only to find them red hot and flaming. From that day on he worked alone, not caring for anything but himself (and his cat: Sabre).

Weapon / Power: [spoiler=Before touching red stone]2xlongsword_1.jpg


[spoiler=After touching red stone]2xFiresword.png

Has power over fire and slight power over lava. He can create rock from the lava, which he doesn't use for combat much, to allow him to fly.

Team(Lumonians or Shadnoids): Shadnoids

Team rank: Team Seargent



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ok, sounds awesometacular

Name:Avaron Ryuuzaki

Age: 16

Appearance: http://i697.photobucket.com/albums/vv332/xXJonas_Brothers_lover_4lifeXx/anime/Huee_anime.jpg

Personality: She is lawyas seen by herself, eating apples. She's very quiet (in the shyish way). She is veru negative and harsh on herself. On others, she is alwyas complimenting them and smiling. However, she has another personality inside her. that personality is strong, very kind, and very stubborn. That sidde only comes out when Avaron cannot handle reality.

Weapon / Power: Her weapon is a rose thorn whip that is very hard to break (unless using fire or other elemtnts to destroy it)

Team(Lumonians or Shadnoids): Lumonians

Team rank: Co-leader

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Name: Matthew (I have alot of names to keep track of!)

Age: 13

Appearance: Here's the link: http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.quizilla.com/user_images/C/CR/CRA/crazyrTHANu882/1177548144_sAnimeBoy3.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.roleplaygateway.com/shonen-t28525.html&usg=__V7rssZvDJE0-US7VfA2T0GkfJNY=&h=400&w=400&sz=29&hl=en&start=28&sig2=DfRYhlZc2J4wiay2q9HIEw&tbnid=yqFBhTQJf6XBiM:&tbnh=124&tbnw=124&prev=/images%3Fq%3DAnime%2Bboy%26gbv%3D2%26ndsp%3D20%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26start%3D20&ei=z6bhSuG1F4SyNoOpsAs

Long, is it not?

Personality: He is usually kind and warm-hearted, amazingly for a shadnoid. Has no rivalry with the other teams, and just wants to get along. HE has multiple personalities, that will devlop thoughout the game.

Weapon / Power: A flail, which he channels elemental magic though (Earth, air, fire, water.)

Team(Lumonians or Shadnoids): Shadnoids

Team rank: team leader!

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@Lunar: Zomog D: yes Zomog. Awesometacular, is, Epic. ;D


Accepted. ;D


@Compass: For the ranks, Go to first post, and click on teams. Then click lumonian ranks. Then it'll show you which ones are taken. As for images, where'd you find the image?


Btw, accepted.

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Okay' date=' Co-leader then! And it's in my pictures folder. I got it from google images.[hr']

Okay, this is just creepy. How many rps are you in, Roze? And why is every single rp I amk in, you are in, too?


Co-Leaders taken.



Upload the pic to tinypic/photobucket and find the IMG code. Copy & Paste it in your post.

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I was being sarcastic onthe sorry part. YOu didn't offend me.

Don't aplogize unless I make an agry face in my post.Then I'm angry and pissed off at you. Unitl then, you haven't done anyhting wrong to apologize for.

Not really. I don't find it odd at all.

BTW, in computer class, got 104 wpm ^.^ I love that everyone in my class ahtes me becasue of it

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Guest Tainted Black

Name: Black

Age: looks 25

Appearance: 276a371.png

Personality: Sneering, Riddling, and evil. Loves to confuse people and Act.

Weapon / Power: Leather Bound Tome. Can create things to a point. (No God-moding, but he is strong). Teleports. Can control fire to an extent, and Telekinesis.

Team(Lumonians or Shadnoids): Shadnoid

Team rank: Co-Leader

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