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Darklink401 vs. Kailyn {finished, LOCK plz.}


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1. Must be DARK monster

2. Any type, even Fake-types

3. level 4-6

4. First to 5 votes wins



Winner - 2 reps

Loser - 1 rep


Darklink401's card


[spoiler=Lore]When you Tribute Summon this card, you can select 1 Union monster in your Graveyard and equip it to this card.Once per turn, you can Special Summon 1 Union monster from your Graveyard. The monster's effect is negated until the End Phase. If this card would be destroyed, you can tribute 1 Union monster on your side of the field instead. During your End Phase, you can tribute 1 monster your opponent controls to Special Summon 1 Union monster from your hand to your opponent's side of the field.



Kailyn's card


[spoiler=Lore]You may special summon this monster by sending 2 DARK monsters from your deck to the graveyard. If this monster destroys an opponent's monster, you may select one DARK monster from your graveyard and remove it from play. The monster removed by this effect is special summoned to your side of the field during your next standby phase.


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Here's my entry.


FYI for those who didnt already figure this out, Demon = Fiend





You may special summon this monster by sending 2 DARK monsters from your deck to the graveyard. If this monster destroys an opponent's monster, you may select one DARK monster from your graveyard and remove it from play. The monster removed by this effect is special summoned to your side of the field during your next standby phase.


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Hmmm... it's a hard decision. With Darklink's card you can summon Union-Monsters easily and protect the card. With kailyn's you can easily get DARK monsters on your field yet it does have some OCG.... urg... hard...


Final Decision: Kailyn... more DARK monsters in the average deck than union right? It also has a little more firepower...

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Well lets see what we got here...


Wow. Both cards would seem to be fairly playable. The Priestess would have Union monsters as backup to keep her on the field. Very creative. As for Yuko, she would have DARK monstes as backup. I like the idea. Either way, both would seemingly be effective support cards. The effect itself, is mainly one of the only things I look at in terms of judging. However, OCG is the other thing I have to look at. I got to give the edge to Darklink in that department.


With that said, Darklink gets my vote.


Nothing personal. ^.^

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