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AuXiLiArY vs. Crisis King Auxiliary=2 votes Crisis= 1


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[spoiler=Card Effect]

This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned. except by removing 3 Level 6 or higher Fiend-Type monsters that you control on your field from play while this card is in your Graveyard. This card cannot attack an opponent's face-up monster with less than 6 Level Stars. If this card attacks a face-down monster, this card's ATK is halved until the End Phase. Whenever a monster that you control is sent to the Graveyard or removed from play, you can equip 1 monster from your opponent's Graveyard to this card as an Equip Spell Card. During your Standby Phase by removing 3 Equip Spell Cards equipped to this card by this card's effect from play, you can treat all face-up monsters your opponent controls as monsters with 7 Level Stars, Battle Damage during this turn is reduced by 800 Life Points.



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very well here is my entry


This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by removing from play 3 FIRE monsters from your Graveyard. Your opponent cannot select another FIRE monster you control as an attack target. Once per turn, you can Special Summon 1 "Blaze Token" (Pyro-Type/FIRE/Level 4/ATK 0/DEF 1700) in face-up Defense Position. Once per turn, you can Tribute 1 "Blaze Token" in order to Special Summon 1 Level 6 or lower FIRE monster from your hand. When this card is removed from the field, destroy all monsters Special Summoned by this card's effect on the field and take 500 damage for each destroyed Token.

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Ill vote.

Both cards are very good, really great effects and amazing OCG. But I will have to go with Crisis King for the win. His card seems just a little more in depth with its effect. Both effects are really good, but ~AuXiLiArY~'s card is kinda of basic compared to Crisis King's.

So Crisis King, you get my vote.

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I vote Aux. At first I thought "Wow Crisis's is really good". But deeper into the effect it just seemed overpowered to me, especially treating monsters as Equip Spells. I like Aux's for the more simplistic but creative effect, and a nicer pic. So yea, Aux has my vote.

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