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Music: .:Midnight Thief:., 20LocalMan12, 820reborn, 82456248, AbbatonStrikes, ACE OF KINGS AND SPADES, acomea, adgjl97, akuma tokugawa, Anubis05, Asep_Romli, augusto159, austin_kerr, awesome66, ÐAΣMON -DG-, ♥ ЅϯᵲåώӀӞ℮ᴙʀɣ−ɴɨɨ−ƈħåɴ ♥, b0b3rt, black dragon master, BlackFang, Blackstone Dresden, blamonchesix, Blazinghydra, bloodknightforevery, brenda_tippery, Burning Leo1, burnpsy, C-2, Cade7, card prodigy, cardwarrior, CeDeFiA, changxiaoxie, Chant, Charizard, CHASERS177, Children-of-the-night, CHON, ChristmasTree123, Cinnami, coolcodyas, coolkid101, Dark Phoenix, Darklord1988, DarkWish, Dªrĸ, dctitan2847, ddog1488, DemonX, Demyx, DesCrow, dragonren7, eastjack 884, EHeroDarkNeos, elementuzamaki, Fenrir, ferretkid, Finale Shot, Force_Flex, galesonic, Gemini Lord, Glass, gozens, grandreaper, Greg p, grimreaper450, GunMetalDevil, gustavosuarez, Hayate Masaru, hewholixsoap, hollowblade, hollowmaster999, hulkty, ILHAM ZAKY, izzy2265, jk233_ultimatemaster, johnathan bowman, jomorgan, jonelbacalla, julydeth, JWalks82, Kain Highwind, Karmantix, Kazekage-------Gaara, Kieren the Card Master, kikoman, Kira the Ultimate Force, knee face, Kuroda Naoki, KWLegend, legendary king, Leturn Master, Lexaeus, Lgrigsby423, lichmaster, little D, loco181, Lord Smeagle, Luna Lovegood, Lunar Livingston, Lyfe., Magickid777, Magikarp, mandire, Martial, Mathexpert, METALMAXIMAL, Mew 101, mikee22, Milk-Chan, Mohd Sazwan Fitrie, monsoon300, MoonlightPrincess, mouseman1, nathanx9, nekohentai, nevertless, NickPhilo, Nightmare Zarkus, nightsoul, omegawolf, Otaku-sama, Overworld777, owls23, pack392, Pchi, pichustar15, pitaboy_66, poco00, pokemon440, ProtoMachineKing, QwertRules, Ragnus, Raikoh, red and white dragon, remlap1995, rodri666, Rook Bishop, ROY, ROYv2, ryan24578, ryanzhu83, Saikano, Saiyan Knight, Sakao, SamuraiLord, Scarnose123, seattleite, SephirothKirby, Sephiroth_The_Legend, shadowslayerxn, shift1009, Shinzuku, Silent Magician 2.0, sir than, Sκιρρу • Cаnоe, sleepy, Soapman, sonic1231, Spock101, Stoopid1, Straydove, swizzy11, Tenkage, The Crimson King, TheCleaner, TheNivid, ThePhantomDuelist, TitanKing, ToOo0n Pr!Nc3, totalgamer396, ttt3142, Turtle King, Twin Seed, veepost44, Vincent123, VK-Duelist, waffleman123, wang2171103, warfare9100, Welche, wildboi_1999, winterlove1, WinterNights, woohoo777, wrangler44, WWE PM SAVIOR, X-L, Xing, Xirno, Yu-Gi-Oh Card guy222, Yubel The Boss, ZXP, ~Valraklyn~

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Music: .:Midnight Thief:.' date=' 20LocalMan12, 820reborn, 82456248, AbbatonStrikes, ACE OF KINGS AND SPADES, acomea, adgjl97, akuma tokugawa, Anubis05, Asep_Romli, augusto159, austin_kerr, awesome66, ÐAΣMON -DG-, ♥ ЅϯᵲåώӀӞ℮ᴙʀɣ−ɴɨɨ−ƈħåɴ ♥, b0b3rt, black dragon master, BlackFang, Blackstone Dresden, blamonchesix, Blazinghydra, bloodknightforevery, brenda_tippery, Burning Leo1, burnpsy, C-2, Cade7, card prodigy, cardwarrior, CeDeFiA, changxiaoxie, Chant, Charizard, CHASERS177, Children-of-the-night, CHON, ChristmasTree123, Cinnami, coolcodyas, coolkid101, Dark Phoenix, Darklord1988, DarkWish, Dªrĸ, dctitan2847, ddog1488, DemonX, Demyx, DesCrow, dragonren7, eastjack 884, EHeroDarkNeos, elementuzamaki, Fenrir, ferretkid, Finale Shot, Force_Flex, galesonic, Gemini Lord, Glass, gozens, grandreaper, Greg p, grimreaper450, GunMetalDevil, gustavosuarez, Hayate Masaru, hewholixsoap, hollowblade, hollowmaster999, hulkty, ILHAM ZAKY, izzy2265, jk233_ultimatemaster, johnathan bowman, jomorgan, jonelbacalla, julydeth, JWalks82, Kain Highwind, Karmantix, Kazekage-------Gaara, Kieren the Card Master, kikoman, Kira the Ultimate Force, knee face, Kuroda Naoki, KWLegend, legendary king, Leturn Master, Lexaeus, Lgrigsby423, lichmaster, little D, loco181, Lord Smeagle, Luna Lovegood, Lunar Livingston, Lyfe., Magickid777, Magikarp, mandire, Martial, Mathexpert, METALMAXIMAL, Mew 101, mikee22, Milk-Chan, Mohd Sazwan Fitrie, monsoon300, MoonlightPrincess, mouseman1, nathanx9, nekohentai, nevertless, NickPhilo, Nightmare Zarkus, nightsoul, omegawolf, Otaku-sama, Overworld777, owls23, pack392, Pchi, pichustar15, pitaboy_66, poco00, pokemon440, ProtoMachineKing, QwertRules, Ragnus, Raikoh, red and white dragon, remlap1995, rodri666, Rook Bishop, ROY, ROYv2, ryan24578, ryanzhu83, Saikano, Saiyan Knight, Sakao, SamuraiLord, Scarnose123, seattleite, SephirothKirby, Sephiroth_The_Legend, shadowslayerxn, shift1009, Shinzuku, Silent Magician 2.0, sir than, Sκιρρу • Cаnоe, sleepy, Soapman, sonic1231, Spock101, Stoopid1, Straydove, swizzy11, Tenkage, The Crimson King, TheCleaner, TheNivid, ThePhantomDuelist, TitanKing, ToOo0n Pr!Nc3, totalgamer396, ttt3142, Turtle King, Twin Seed, veepost44, Vincent123, VK-Duelist, waffleman123, wang2171103, warfare9100, Welche, wildboi_1999, winterlove1, WinterNights, woohoo777, wrangler44, WWE PM SAVIOR, X-L, Xing, Xirno, Yu-Gi-Oh Card guy222, Yubel The Boss, ZXP, ~Valraklyn~



I'm not even in that list. >.<

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Music: .:Midnight Thief:.' date=' 20LocalMan12, 820reborn, 82456248, AbbatonStrikes, ACE OF KINGS AND SPADES, acomea, adgjl97, akuma tokugawa, Anubis05, Asep_Romli, augusto159, austin_kerr, awesome66, ÐAΣMON -DG-, ♥ ЅϯᵲåώӀӞ℮ᴙʀɣ−ɴɨɨ−ƈħåɴ ♥, b0b3rt, black dragon master, BlackFang, Blackstone Dresden, blamonchesix, Blazinghydra, bloodknightforevery, brenda_tippery, Burning Leo1, burnpsy, C-2, Cade7, card prodigy, cardwarrior, CeDeFiA, changxiaoxie, Chant, Charizard, CHASERS177, Children-of-the-night, CHON, ChristmasTree123, Cinnami, coolcodyas, coolkid101, Dark Phoenix, Darklord1988, DarkWish, Dªrĸ, dctitan2847, ddog1488, DemonX, Demyx, DesCrow, dragonren7, eastjack 884, EHeroDarkNeos, elementuzamaki, Fenrir, ferretkid, Finale Shot, Force_Flex, galesonic, Gemini Lord, Glass, gozens, grandreaper, Greg p, grimreaper450, GunMetalDevil, gustavosuarez, Hayate Masaru, hewholixsoap, hollowblade, hollowmaster999, hulkty, ILHAM ZAKY, izzy2265, jk233_ultimatemaster, johnathan bowman, jomorgan, jonelbacalla, julydeth, JWalks82, Kain Highwind, Karmantix, Kazekage-------Gaara, Kieren the Card Master, kikoman, Kira the Ultimate Force, knee face, Kuroda Naoki, KWLegend, legendary king, Leturn Master, Lexaeus, Lgrigsby423, lichmaster, little D, loco181, Lord Smeagle, Luna Lovegood, Lunar Livingston, Lyfe., Magickid777, Magikarp, mandire, Martial, Mathexpert, METALMAXIMAL, Mew 101, mikee22, Milk-Chan, Mohd Sazwan Fitrie, monsoon300, MoonlightPrincess, mouseman1, nathanx9, nekohentai, nevertless, NickPhilo, Nightmare Zarkus, nightsoul, omegawolf, Otaku-sama, Overworld777, owls23, pack392, Pchi, pichustar15, pitaboy_66, poco00, pokemon440, ProtoMachineKing, QwertRules, Ragnus, Raikoh, red and white dragon, remlap1995, rodri666, Rook Bishop, ROY, ROYv2, ryan24578, ryanzhu83, Saikano, Saiyan Knight, Sakao, SamuraiLord, Scarnose123, seattleite, SephirothKirby, Sephiroth_The_Legend, shadowslayerxn, shift1009, Shinzuku, Silent Magician 2.0, sir than, Sκιρρу • Cаnоe, sleepy, Soapman, sonic1231, Spock101, Stoopid1, Straydove, swizzy11, Tenkage, The Crimson King, TheCleaner, TheNivid, ThePhantomDuelist, TitanKing, ToOo0n Pr!Nc3, totalgamer396, ttt3142, Turtle King, Twin Seed, veepost44, Vincent123, VK-Duelist, waffleman123, wang2171103, warfare9100, Welche, wildboi_1999, winterlove1, WinterNights, woohoo777, wrangler44, WWE PM SAVIOR, X-L, Xing, Xirno, Yu-Gi-Oh Card guy222, Yubel The Boss, ZXP, ~Valraklyn~



Cool I am on the list

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I wish to know why I haven't been nominated for General. D:<


Because of my existence.


Your existence would be meaningless without me.

Music: .:Midnight Thief:.' date=' 20LocalMan12, 820reborn, 82456248, AbbatonStrikes, ACE OF KINGS AND SPADES, acomea, adgjl97, akuma tokugawa, Anubis05, Asep_Romli, augusto159, austin_kerr, awesome66, ÐAΣMON -DG-, ♥ ЅϯᵲåώӀӞ℮ᴙʀɣ−ɴɨɨ−ƈħåɴ ♥, b0b3rt, black dragon master, BlackFang, Blackstone Dresden, blamonchesix, Blazinghydra, bloodknightforevery, brenda_tippery, Burning Leo1, burnpsy, C-2, Cade7, card prodigy, cardwarrior, CeDeFiA, changxiaoxie, Chant, Charizard, CHASERS177, Children-of-the-night, CHON, ChristmasTree123, Cinnami, coolcodyas, coolkid101, Dark Phoenix, Darklord1988, DarkWish, Dªrĸ, dctitan2847, ddog1488, DemonX, Demyx, DesCrow, dragonren7, eastjack 884, EHeroDarkNeos, elementuzamaki, Fenrir, ferretkid, Finale Shot, Force_Flex, galesonic, Gemini Lord, Glass, gozens, grandreaper, Greg p, grimreaper450, GunMetalDevil, gustavosuarez, Hayate Masaru, hewholixsoap, hollowblade, hollowmaster999, hulkty, ILHAM ZAKY, izzy2265, jk233_ultimatemaster, johnathan bowman, jomorgan, jonelbacalla, julydeth, JWalks82, Kain Highwind, Karmantix, Kazekage-------Gaara, Kieren the Card Master, kikoman, Kira the Ultimate Force, knee face, Kuroda Naoki, KWLegend, legendary king, Leturn Master, Lexaeus, Lgrigsby423, lichmaster, little D, loco181, Lord Smeagle, Luna Lovegood, Lunar Livingston, Lyfe., Magickid777, Magikarp, mandire, Martial, Mathexpert, METALMAXIMAL, Mew 101, mikee22, Milk-Chan, Mohd Sazwan Fitrie, monsoon300, MoonlightPrincess, mouseman1, nathanx9, nekohentai, nevertless, NickPhilo, Nightmare Zarkus, nightsoul, omegawolf, Otaku-sama, Overworld777, owls23, pack392, Pchi, pichustar15, pitaboy_66, poco00, pokemon440, ProtoMachineKing, QwertRules, Ragnus, Raikoh, red and white dragon, remlap1995, rodri666, Rook Bishop, ROY, ROYv2, ryan24578, ryanzhu83, Saikano, Saiyan Knight, Sakao, SamuraiLord, Scarnose123, seattleite, SephirothKirby, Sephiroth_The_Legend, shadowslayerxn, shift1009, Shinzuku, Silent Magician 2.0, sir than, Sκιρρу • Cаnоe, sleepy, Soapman, sonic1231, Spock101, Stoopid1, Straydove, swizzy11, Tenkage, The Crimson King, TheCleaner, TheNivid, ThePhantomDuelist, TitanKing, ToOo0n Pr!Nc3, totalgamer396, ttt3142, Turtle King, Twin Seed, veepost44, Vincent123, VK-Duelist, waffleman123, wang2171103, warfare9100, Welche, wildboi_1999, winterlove1, WinterNights, woohoo777, wrangler44, WWE PM SAVIOR, X-L, Xing, Xirno, Yu-Gi-Oh Card guy222, Yubel The Boss, ZXP, ~Valraklyn~



This is Ironic because I have posted 2 times in this section, before deciding is is lame.

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So this thread is pretty much a troll thread?


*takes a deep breath*




I don't think it was intended to be a troll thread. ;\


I was going to vote seriously for several members, but the n00bs took over and I decided it wasn't worth it. My first three votes were going to be OMGAKITTY, you, and probably Brushfire.

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I was going to vote seriously for several members' date=' but the n00bs took over and I decided it wasn't worth it. My first three votes were going to be OMGAKITTY, you, and probably Brushfire.



I did vote seriously. I got trolled. D:


More importantly, although you didn't get my vote I wouldn't mind voting for you. You're one of the few members who's posts are actually worth reading.

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I was going to vote seriously for several members' date=' but the n00bs took over and I decided it wasn't worth it. My first three votes were going to be OMGAKITTY, you, and probably Brushfire.



I did vote seriously. I got trolled. D:


More importantly, although you didn't get my vote I wouldn't mind voting for you. You're one of the few members who's posts are actually worth reading.


That's why I'd vote for you. ;\


95% of General isn't worth reading.

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Most of General is crappy trolls and morons. The other few are witty smartasses' date=' good trolls, and funny people.



These 'crappy trolls' aren't trolls and don't deserve to be considered trolls. Btw, deleting system32 makes your PC go faster (lolinsidejoke ;D).


Wasn't Haris responsible for that unfathomable amount of win?

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Most of General is crappy trolls and morons. The other few are witty smartasses' date=' good trolls, and funny people.



These 'crappy trolls' aren't trolls and don't deserve to be considered trolls. Btw, deleting system32 makes your PC go faster (lolinsidejoke ;D).


Wasn't Haris responsible for that unfathomable amount of win?


Haris gets all the credit just 'cause his ban was the longest. I got banned for it too ya know! D;

But yeah, Haris, Akira and I were responsible for it. Btw, painting flames on the side of your PC really speeds it up.

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