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-[]- YCM's Most Popular Member -[]-


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-Showcase: Blood Rose(?)

-Videogames: Cyber Altair

-Most popular Mod: Glasstin

-Most popular Member: *insert 4chanwhore/troll here*


Kudos on leaving out music. It was the only section I had a 10% (maybe) of winning. I'd probably still lose to Raven though >_>"

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-Showcase: Blood Rose(?)

-Videogames: Cyber Altair

-Most popular Mod: Glasstin

-Most popular Member: *insert 4chanwhore/troll here*


Kudos on leaving out music. It was the only section I had a 10% (maybe) of winning. I'd probably still lose to Raven though >_>"


I was sad when he left out music. I had a chance of winning that. D:

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-Showcase: Blood Rose(?)

-Videogames: Cyber Altair

-Most popular Mod: Glasstin

-Most popular Member: *insert 4chanwhore/troll here*


Kudos on leaving out music. It was the only section I had a 10% (maybe) of winning. I'd probably still lose to Raven though >_>"


I was sad when he left out music. I had a chance of winning that. D:


The Master would have dominated us. Which is awesome. ;D


but methinks it best to save thy embarrassment.....Not that losing to raven is embarrassing. Cuzz she is epic.

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-General: Dark Flame Warrior (most posts in the YCMaker thread :D + 1 of the members that I like)

-Realistic Cards: DeMeNTeD (1 of the best card makers)

-Pop Culture Cards: true_madara_uchiha

-Card Contests: Prince Hunter

-Showcase: ~DG~

-Yu-Gi-Oh TCG: Chaos Pudding

-Most popular Mod (NOT SUPER) - Yin (Blood Rose)

-Most popular Member (NOT MOD) - Pikachu

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-Realistic Cards: Icyblue

-Pop Culture Cards: J-Max

-Card Contests: Incognito / pitski

-Showcase: Blood Rose

-Fan-Fic: Um-bra

-RP: Shadius

-Yu-Gi-Oh TCG: Crab

-Videogames: TAG

-Most popular Mod (NOT SUPER): Blood Rose

-Most popular Member (NOT MOD): OMGAK


-Music: Master Deff Mattle and Master Dismal Eufoney




-Showcase: Blood Rose(?)

-Videogames: Cyber Altair

-Most popular Mod: Glasstin

-Most popular Member: *insert 4chanwhore/troll here*


Kudos on leaving out music. It was the only section I had a 10% (maybe) of winning. I'd probably still lose to Raven though >_>"


I was sad when he left out music. I had a chance of winning that. D:


The Master would have dominated us. Which is awesome. ;D



Vobiscum master.


I picked up the slime master.=]

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