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HOLY SH*T....that was close


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Two nights ago, I was on the computer when I wasn't suppose to be. My mom was at the Charger game. She said she wouldn't be home until 10pm. At around 9:35pm I decided to get off the computer(again, when I wasn't suppose to be on) and go to bed. Literally, 3 seconds after I got into bed, my mom came in. My heart was beating so fast and I was smiling to myself. If my mom would have caught me I would have been grounded for at least a week!


What this thread is for:Post some "close calls" you've had.

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I have a lot of those storys..

But to begin with the most present..


I was on a GoreGrind, MetalCore, Crappy Bollo-Idiot-Concert.

I was deep into a mosh pit and hit one of those bollo-idiots pretty hard, He was angry and attacked me and 2 of my friends with 5 of his friends... so i had luck, that my 2 friends were kind of very powerful (as i...thx to my training room :D)... he was kind of knocked out.

When me n some of my friends came out, i met a girl...my friends were gone, and i was alone...After 5 Minutes only, we already kissed..Lucky me! , the idiot was walking about 2 meters next to me with about another 6 friends...he looked like he was searching for me..i turned around and kept kissing her..They weren't able to see me. That was nerv wrecking. BUT GREAT :D

....I still dont know the name of that girl...

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1. I flipped off my friends when I was leaving early because I was sick one day and the Vice-Principal was right behind me, and noticed nothing.


2. A crazy lady chased my friends and I down the block but we split up before she could catch us.


In both of those situations, I was laughing like a manic. I tend to laugh instead of panic.

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one time, at my aunts house, me and my friend were exploring a forest in the back of her house when we heard someone shout in front of us, "what the f**k are you kids doing here?!" we heard a gunshot and started running. The person was chasing us and we got back to my aunt's house just in time, and he left without my aunt seeing him. She called the police and he was caught.

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I was watching porn on my laptop once. My dad came in while I was watching it. Luckily, my Ninja Reflexes acted quickly and slammed the Laptop shut. He wanted me to open it back up and see what I was doing.


Luckily, my laptop's battery at the time was poop. It wouldn't hold a charge so I had to keep it hooked into it's charger all the time. When I slammed it shut, it knocked the charger out of it so it completely shut down and he never had proof. Especially since I set my browser to auto delete history XD


Now I use my PSP...which I affectionately dubbed the "Playstation Pornable".

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Once there was this lady stalking my friends and they came to my neighborhood and about right after they came she started walking the streets. She had some sort of weapon. So we just played in my backyard which has an alleyway behind it so she didn't see us. She continued stalking for about the next week. The creepy part[spoiler=The creepy part]she was someone in my brothers classes mom.

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this close call would have been good if it happened

many many like fukin 5000 hours ago ok however many hours ago june 20something was

I was at summer camp about to kiss mah girlfriend for first time but then she said "I don't waant to get too attatched to you" it was the last day i was @ that camp 2 and i never saw or heard from that girl again

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