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The UK of YCM- Under construction- but still open (kinda)


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This is the UK of YCM.


Here we are open to Everyone joining (And most likely, everyone that applies will get in,) but if you are from the UK, Australia, or Ireland, you are automatically in.



[spoiler=If you dont know what that is...]

It is this



I like hr.

If you support hr, Let me know and I will add you to the list!








In this club, there is/are:

Ranks (which you can find below as well as how to rank up),

Awards (which you can also find below as well as how to acheive them)


A good, friendly atmosphere

Help, tutorials, and Gyfts



and we are always open to new members, and suggestions on how we can improve.[/align]



[align=center][spoiler=Awards *new!]






[spoiler=Members (12)]

~Rua~ (Squire) [₤3.00]

Succubus Queen (Squire) [₤3.00]

Yu-Gi-Oh 5D`S (Squire) [₤3.00]

Kotaro (Squire) [₤3.00]

Spire (Squire) [₤3.00]

gronus (Squire) [₤3.00]

mariokazooie75 (Squire) [₤3.10]

~xXDevilsDestroyerXx~ (Squire) [₤3.00]

Liam™ (Squire) [₤3.00]

Supercardman101 (Squire) [₤3.00]

Snake_boy (Squire) [₤3.00]

Kizzi (Squire) [₤3.00]

Scotty20 (Squire) [₤3.00]

spyross (Squire) [₤3.00]

zeroin (Peasant) [₤0.50]





[spoiler=Current Topics]

What does this club need?

*A good topic* lol





[spoiler=When you join...]

If you are from the UK:

You automatically gain the rank of Squire


If you are from Australia or Ireland:

You automatically gain the rank of Yeoman


If you are from the US:

You automatically gain the rank of Peasant


Everyone Else Starts at serf.










[spoiler=Supreme Liege]


[spoiler=Powerful Liege]


[spoiler=Wealthy Liege]




















Succubus Queen

Yu-Gi-Oh 5D`S





















[spoiler=Want to rank up?]

You can rank up when you get a certain amount of "pounds" and "pence"

(Yes, this is the currency of this club as well as england :D)


[spoiler=Amount of pounds and pence you need for each level...]

Serf: ₤0

Peasant: ₤0.50

Yeoman: ₤1.50

Squire: ₤3.00

Reeve: ₤5.00

Knight: ₤8.00

Baron: ₤11.50

Earl: ₤15.00

Margrave: ₤20.00

Duke: ₤30.00

Regent: ₤50.00

Liege: ₤75.00

Wealthy Liege: ₤100.00

Powerful Liege: ₤200.00 and the support of at least 1/3 of our members

Supreme Liege: ₤300.00 and the support of at least half of our members

Council: To get on the council you must be recommended and "approved" (It is possible to be on the council without being a supreme liege)

Royalty: Royalty is reserved for the most loyal members. To get here, just raise your rank, stay active, and be a good member.




[spoiler=How to get pounds and pence]

1. Show off your cards (up to ₤0.10 per card)

2. Show off your Sets (Depends on set size)

3. Show off GFX creations (Varies, up to ₤10)

4. Give suggestions on how to improve this club (up to ₤1 per suggestion)

5. Be active in the club (Varies)

6. Help your club members (Varies)

7. Post a lot (₤0.01-₤0.50 per post depending on the length and depth of the comment(s))

8. Advertise the club in your sig, shop, ect. (₤2 per place you advertise)

9. Show other sites you may have come across that we might enjoy (Varies)

10. Suggest more ways to earn points so I can post them here :D (₤1 per suggestion if we use it)





[spoiler=Awards & Medals]

The AVI award~ For having an awesome avi [₤0.50]

The Sig award~ For having an awesome sig [₤0.50]

Nuttige award~ For making helpful suggestions [₤2.50]

If you have a suggestion for an award, or a better name for an award, please let me know.

More Coming Soon



Coming Soon!







Country you live in (optional):

Anything else:





Much More coming soon.




(Feel free to join now though)

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Country you live in: England

Anything else:I like cake


Me too^^

All accepted


NOTE: We still need a banner. I would be appreciative if everyone tried, even if they dont win.

If anyone from this club tries, I will pay ₤1.50 for the banner, in addition to its place in the bellow thread (if you are in the top 3):





Supercardman101, I love your avi! (And all things detective conan) Where did you get it?

Or did you make it?


I need an avi.



And what's up with all the British? I love Briton, but where's the Irish? Or the Americans? Where do we find them?


We need more Ethnicity! (And more Britts^.-)


mariokazooie75: I like your card.

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Nice. Can I see the sig?

I am a big fan of DC/CC, although I prefer DC subbed. There are a lot more episodes available for the anime & OVA. I read the manga some too, but I mostly watch the anime.


Great avi. Cant wait to see the sig.




mariokazooie75: Nice cards (again) I especially like the card for Jeremy Clarkson.



LOOK! I found an avi!!!


Oh, and the bar line above, I entered that manually. I did NOT double post.

[spoiler=how do I know you didnt double post?]

Look at the code! If i double posted, the "hr" would be on the same line as the last line of the "first" post/section. (It would be right next to the word "Clarkson"

In my code however, the "hr" is 2 lines below Clarkson and one line above "LOOK!"

This proves that I either did not double post, or I edited the post to make it look like I didnt. In this case I didnt.

Why would I go through the trouble?[/end rant]


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Its not bad. I like the bold flag.


I found some cool images that might work on a banner.

Maybe we should try one without the GB flag on it... Just for grands.


Because It defiantly seems as if the flag is limiting everyone (including me) in making a great banner.


[spoiler=The best Banners Ive seen so far:]






[spoiler=A cool picture I found]







[spoiler=A big quote]

how about this for our banner




thats not a banner thats a card


you can make a banner out of a card if you just widen it


I agree, cards usually look good ON banners, not AS banners.

However, this gave me an idea, what about a club card so to say, like favorite card, or membership card, or whatever. With some editing It might work.





Also, I am trying to think of a club GYFT to make, but I am dry on ideas (the card thing makes my first idea xD)

So if anyone has a suggestion. That'd be great.

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