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Pokemon World Map Shop! SHUT DOWN FOR A WEEK OR SO! stop asking for maps!

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i would like a map for the RP i will start soon. it should be normal sized, with a big island in the center and four smaller islands in the corners (no specific shapes, just not circles). there should be at least 10 towns w/ 8 gyms and routes connecting them to each other (except the smaller islands, which should each still have one town). pm it to me with the price and i will pay asap.


i also would like your town making kit.

i get a one rep discount as you stated in the 1st post

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order it (a price of 2 reps) and i will send it to you with full instrustions on how to use it, its much easier to use than my map makeing kit, its just the town maps are way to big for me to make alot of them, and sell them, so ill just sell the kit to make them! (note, unlike my map makeing kit, the town makeing kit, MUST be payed for before i send it to you (by PM))



Ill take one....and a map making kit if i can get it....

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i stoped selling the map makeing kit, but people (that means you to haaris) what do you not get bt CLOSED FOR A WHILE, ive got like 5 asking for maps, my shopis closed.. thats it im putting "CLOSED FOR NOW!" in my shop name, and haaris im not makeing your map sense you neg repped me because i wouldnt make your map while my shop is closed, (and i had told you it was closed many times) so you dont get anything from my shop!


my shop will probably be closed untill next week sometime

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here i copyed it: its my last rep, people fell free to check or your selfes, and haaris your lucky i dont neg-rep you agian for lieing

" Haaris (6) - Last updated Wednesday, December 12th, 2007, 09:11 pm


Negative: didnt sell me my map "


haaris, do you think people are that dumb... just remove the neg rep from me , and ill remove my neg repp from you, and i might go ahead a make your map, even though you dont deserve it...


people look at my new siggnature LOOK AT IT REAL CLOSE! ive had people barking at me agian and agian about the same thing...

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Can you make this (as soon as shops open, so i'll give you 2 years):lol:.


Ring of islands around edge (Mainly towns, 1 or 2 cities)

Mainland of 5 Areas:

Surrouned by beach (1 Town)

Grassy Section (2 cities + a town)

Sandstorm to the north (1 town)

Volcano (1 town)

Volcanic ash to SW of volcano (Routes through it)


I know the shops closed so no need to start until it reopens and good luck with the others

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