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the pokeriddle extreme 5000 +1 rep for each correct answer!!! occasionly points!!! new riddle.

Lover Bat

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hey, its me bobyjoe5000. ma first thread sort of. anyways, in this of course, you need to geuss the answer to the riddle. this is all thanks to gandora, brickfest, and the than. every prize is +1 rep. if you answer them correctly, i'll have to give you them tomorow cause i used them all already.


riddle 1:

I have a shell but if you touch it, it breaks. (solved by chase the vampire lord)magcargo.



riddle 2:

i'm faster then my previos forms because i traded my feet for wings.(sovled by chase1600)crobat.



riddle 3:

I always dream't of flying one day.(solved by matrix) bagon.


riddle 4:

I look like a jet plane when I fold my body and extend my wings.(solved by chase1600)garchomp.


riddle 5:

I am water, I am fire, I am electric, I am psychic, I am dark, I am ice, I am grass.(solved by kwlegend)eevee


riddle 6:

when you see me, I will [spoiler=hint]fly

when you see me, I'll be [spoiler=hint]gone

(solved by octoborn)flygon

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