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A Wish you want? A WiSh you will get!


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Give Jirachi a wish. Any wish! Then Jirachi'll grant it in Jirachi's own way. Oh and Jirachi can also refuse wishes.


[spoiler=Jirachi gives you The Example]

Xylene: I wish to be a level 7!


Jirachi: Granted. *Xylene transforms into a Level 7 Yugioh card*.




Make your Wish. If you dare.

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the translation is this:


I wish manufacturer and make wishes come true! If they don 't then don' t with the accused, just a reprimand was in Pikachu instead! It 's not my fault that you're dumb. So I 'll grant your wish cost a cookie. Then you 'll get the stupid desire! But if it goes wrong, just a reprimand was in Pikachu instead! But if it goes wrong, just a reprimand was in Pikachu instead! But if it goes wrong ...... reprimand was just a Pikachu instead !!!!!!!!!!

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