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[align=center]Dark Army - Mad Eye

Level 4




When this card is Summoned selcet 1 random card from your opponent's hand. If the selected card is a monster Special Summon it to your field, it is treated as a "Dark Army" Monster. When the selected monster is sent to Graveyard you lose Life Points equal to the ATK of the monster.


Dark Army - Deer Rider




When this card used for a Synchro Summon the Synchro monster cannot be destroyed if your opponent have 1 or more card in their hand. When this card is sent from your hand to your Graveyard return this card to the top of your Deck.


so help^^


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These cards are rife with grammatical, spelling and OCG erroes, but I'll try:



Dark Army - Mad Eye

Level 4




When this card is Normal Summoned' date=' select 1 random card from your opponent's hand. If it is a monster, Special Summon it to your field; it is treated as a "Dark Army" Monster. When the selected monster is [b']removed from the field[/b], take damage equal to the ATK of the monster.


Dark Army - Deer Rider




If this card used for a Synchro Summon, the Synchro Summoned Monster cannot be destroyed if your opponent has 1 or more cards in their hand. When this card is sent from your hand to the Graveyard, return this card to the top of your Deck.



That's better. The Tuner is slightly OP with LS, but should be fine. 8/10.

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