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~Lively Autumn~Now at 7 Autumns~Taking Requests~I IZ BORED REQUEST~


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[align=center]Lately, since Autumn began, many Pokemon have been showing signs of changing colors with the seasons. This is a very shocking fact that is being investigated by our professors as we speak. Please enjoy these beautiful pictures we took of the Pokemon.


This is a Custom Palette my myself. I claim it as my own and may release it later. I claim the idea of Seasonal Pokemon Recoloring and Spriting as my own. This means I will make them for each season. For this set and any to come after this, my sprites will be marked by a Golden Leaf in the top corner.


[spoiler=Autumn Bulbasaur]


This Pokemon seems to be effected from the inside out. The colors on this one resemble different leafs, like most.


[spoiler=Autumn Ivysaur]


This Pokemon's bulb has changed to what now resembles a tulip. Scientists are still not sure how the colors changed on the inside of the bulb.


[spoiler=Autumn Venasaur]


This Pokemon is one of the few that has colors that do not match very well. We are uncertain why.


[spoiler=Autumn Gardevoir]


This Pokemon's beauty has become a major aspect now. This is great in battle, it distracts the opponent.


[spoiler=Autumn Delcatty]


This Pokemon's meow is enough to sooth a single soul. They say that everytime it meows, a new tree grows from the ground.


[spoiler=Autumn Pikachu]


This Pokemon's new autumn colors have also brought the ability to drop seeds from it's red spots.


[spoiler=Autumn Raichu]


Whenever this Pokemon lets out an electrical shock, any plants around it prosper and grow in size.



Please Comment, Rate, Request, Hate. Thanks all!



Last thing- I've been wondering lately, does anyone think I'm epic here? Does anyone think I am considerably "legend" of spriting or something else good.[/align]

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These are good, but about the bottom part... Your still beginning dude, you've still got alot to do before you become a legend. These are pretty much novice and anyone could do, but still look rather effective.

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