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New Cards


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Well, I've been working on a new theme for a deck, but the problem was that these cards didn't exist. Until now, that is. Even though they'll never become a reality, I decided that at least they would be real here.


I made a bunch of new cards, all with the word "Imperial" in them. Most of them are monster cards, but some are traps and spells. Most of the latter are support cards, though. There are only three monsters with 4 stars or less. That might make it difficult to summon the many monsters with 5 stars or more. But to 'counter' this problem, I incorporated "Imperial" tokens into many of the spell cards and effect monsters. This way, it becomes much easier to summon them, and at the same time, it's more harder to summon the best cards.


There are three different kinds of Imperial Tokens.

- Imperial Knight: 1800 Attack, 1100 Defense, 4 Stars.

- Imperial Archer: 1600 Attack, 1300 Defense, 4 Stars.

- Imperial Rider: 1700 Attack, 1400 Defense, 4 Stars.


There are three normal monsters, with the same exact stats. They serve as both tribute material and as 'requirements' to begin summoning tokens via a spell card.


There's a spell card that allows you to have an unlimited number of Imperial Tokens on the field, and it also summons an Imperial Token for every Imperial Knight, Archer, and Rider on the field. Another spell card requires 20 Imperial Tokens to activate. So, yeah, it's a bit hard to understand right now, but I'll add the cards now, so you can read the effects and understand for yourself.


Monster cards now, Traps next, and last, Spell cards.

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Tier Five




A bit hard to see his effects, so I'll type them down.


"Can only be summoned by the spell card "Total War".

Zormung is unaffected by monster effects, Traps, or Spell cards. Once per a turn, Zormung may activate one of the following effects:

- Destroy all monsters on the opponent's side of the field.

- Negate and destroy all of the opponent's Trap and Spell cards.

- Double the stats of one monster permanently, but cannot attack until the next turn."


On a note, Zormung can double the stats of any monster on the field, EXCEPT FOR HIMSELF. His effect prevents him from enjoying the benefit of that useful ability.

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