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BUG[1] - Evolution of Duel [8/?]


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BUG is short for Barragan's Unmotivated Gamebreakers.



Evolution of Duel - Capture the Flag

Spell Card

If this card is in your hand or Deck at the start of your turn, activate it. (Only 1 “Evolution of Duel” Spell Card can be activated per Duel.) Until the end of the Duel, the following effects are applied:

• Both players select 1 Spell/Trap Card Zone they control, and place 1 “Flag Token” in that Zone.

• Neither player can take damage.

• If a player is attacked directly, remove 1 “Flag Token” from their side of the field and place 1 on the other side of the field, in a Spell/Trap Card Zone.

• If a player during their opponent's End Phase has no “Flag Token” on their side of the field, place 1 “Flag Token” on a Spell/Trap Card Zone on their side of the field.

• If a player has 5 “Flag Tokens” on their side of the field at any time, they win the Duel.


Evolution of Duel - Domination Duel

Spell Card

If this card is in your hand or Deck at the start of your turn, activate it. (Only 1 “Evolution of Duel” Spell Card can be activated per Duel.) Until the end of the Duel, the following effects are applied:

• When this card is activated, both player's Life Points become 0. Neither player can lose the duel by being reduced to 0 Life Points.

• During each player's Standby Phase, increase the turn player's Life Points by 10 x the combined Levels of all monsters they control.

• Any damage taken is divided by 100, rounded down. If a card would increase a player's Life Points by an amount, that amount is divided by 100 and rounded down.

• If a player's Life Points are 2000 or higher at any time, they win the Duel.


Evolution of Duel - Shifting Battlefield

Spell Card

If this card is in your hand or Deck at the start of your turn, activate it. (Only 1 “Evolution of Duel” Spell Card can be activated per Duel.) Until the end of the Duel, the following effects are applied:

• Monsters cannot attack.

• During each player's End Phase, increase their Life Points by the total ATK of all monsters they control and inflict the same amount of damage to their opponent's Life Points.


Evolution of Duel - Synchro Mastermind

Spell Card

If this card is in your Deck at the start of a Duel, activate it. (Only 1 “Evolution of Duel” Spell Card can be activated per Duel.) Until the end of the Duel, the following effects are applied:

• At the start of their turn, before they draw, the turn player declares a number between 2 and 12. If a monster whose Level is equal to the the declared number is Synchro Summoned before the End Phase, the turn player draws cards equal to the declared number / 2. Else, the turn player must skip a number of Draw Phases equal to the declared number / 2.

• The same number cannot be declared twice in a Duel. If no numbers can be declared, both players take damage equal to the combined number of cards in their hand and Graveyard x 300.


Synchro Punisher

Trap Card

Remove from play 1 Synchro Monster in your opponent's Extra Deck. Then, select 1 Tuner monster your opponent controls and return it to their hand.


Stealer Synchron


Machine / Tuner

1 / 0 / 0

When this card is used for a Synchro Summon, you can use your opponent's Synchro Monsters as Synchro Material. If you do, remove from play the Synchro Monster during the End Phase.


Wrath of the Ancients

Trap Card

Activate only if you control a Level 8 or higher Normal Fusion Monster. Skip your opponent's next turn.


Brood of the Time Lord


Dragon / Synchro

9 / 3200 / 2800

1 Tuner + 2 or more non-Tuner monsters

You can Tribute this card to skip your opponent's next turn. During either player's turn, you can remove from play 2 Synchro Monsters in your Graveyard to Special Summon this card from your Graveyard.


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I would adore using these in a fanfic. Only problem' date=' what happens with Synchro Punisher after all 12 Levels are called? Do you just have to keep calling random numbers? That seems a bit unfair; you should probably make an effect for that instance.



I think you mean Synchro Mastermind. And I'll add a clause that says only numbers between 1 and 12 can be declared. The second effect should do the rest.

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