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Whose the biggest Celebraty youve seen in real life


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I saw Bruce Willis when I went to LA for a weekend vacation. I was too far down the street to catch up to him before he got into his Limo. =/


Then I went to a Dinner Convention for my "Help a Friend, save a Life" group meeting and Tony Shalhoub was the guest speaker. That was a fun night.

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I met Bill Cosby! I met him when he came to my school in 2nd grade. I got a autograph from him' date=' I keep it today hoping when he'll die.



I saw him live in concert. (Is that the appropriate term for a comedian?)


Funny as hell.


I also talked with the person who did the voice of Judy Jetson on The Jetsons.

And some concert pianists.

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I have seen former President George W. Bush at a performing arts center when he toured the country or something like that giving a speech about something (I forgot what he was talking about I was part of a local boychoir that was supposed to sing before his speech and my god was his speech BORING). I'm neither a Liberal or Conservative so I really don't care that much about him.

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