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Knights vs Demons (Basic) (PG-13) APP CHANGED SO LOOK AT IT ;)


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Demetrie finally calms down and walks towards the location of his home.As he gets closer he sees the camp of the knights and Yells in a Massive voice,"You foolish humans what are you doing here in my layer." Demetrie starts to transform to his angry form. Then he suddenly yells,"YOu fools better leave before i destroy you all."


Hira watches him as he startsto transform she decides to go down and try and stop him.

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Demetrie fed up with the insolence yells,"BOYLE WHOEVER YOU ARE YOUU BETTER COME SOON!!!!!!" Then he looks at hira and says,"You know how i feel about that day."


Hira looks around at the scared knights then says,"You men do not need to be scared if he attacks you i will defend you.And Demetrie thats the reason i did that becouse you anger issues."

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OoC: Sure...Oh, mediveal...oh...Well, he was on his way to a field, say!


IC: Leo felt something tugging at the back of his mind. He had learned to not let any concousnesses intrude on his mind. It was comman schooling. He closed his mind by thinking of only one thing. The title of a book. Then, as soon as the consuness retreated, he retailieated with his own mental attack, furious, and detrimined.


OoC: This technique is not magic, it's commanplace. Humans are the only ones who can use it, and everybody can learn to protect their own mind, but only a slect few can tap into the minds of others.

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"Sorry boy" then he closed the bag and putted it on his back , "Now i need to go back" But before he made some steps , about 10 demons attacked him , He took his sword and cutted 2 of them down , but one bited in his arm "Arghh , HELLFIRE BLAST" He destroyed the rest.

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