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Knights vs Demons (Basic) (PG-13) APP CHANGED SO LOOK AT IT ;)


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OoC: I was invited, and it is'nt polite to turn down an invitation! Want me to invite people?


Name: Leo

Gender: Male

Appareance: Well...Can someone tell me how to put a picture on this? In a spoiler?

Race: (Human/Demon/Ancient)Human

Classe: Comman? I dunno what to put here

Weapons: His own 2 hands

Spells: He has none, as of now. He will discover he can use a spell to fly around. ( no means of support.)

Bio: He liked to fly little planes, and liked the air. He wanted to become a pliot, but his father died in a plane crash, with his mother, and has lived alone since.

What does "Bump" mean? And I want to give you a pic, but I don't know how to put one on here, since I have it in my documents...

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Name: Xylios, The Destroyer of Light

Gender: Male






He can change into either one.


Race: Demon Master

Class: Mage-Warrior Demon, I guess.

Weapons: Barvainian Crossbow, Blade of Awe, Delevas Dagger and Portras Spear.


Mega Inferno - Creates a giant inferno to engulf your enemies.

The Big Freeze - Makes a glacier freeze enemies for an amount of time.

Transporta Luvetica - Teleport

Invusible Goraei - Invisibility

Summoneus Tyugus - Summon a creature.

Bio: Not much known.

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Xylios sat on the altar and stared out into the land.He had thoughts of when the war of Goralia happened.He turned to find his minion behind him.

"Sire, the Novalians have breached the west wall." He afraidly shouted.

"Get the Borian Heavy Attackers ready, we are at war." I excitedly said after.The sound of people dying punctured the sound barrier.As the Novalians entered they were met by a force of unexplicit power.They put up a brutal fight but we emerged victorious.You could taste the tangy metal and the blod of Novalians.

"We will breach their land and kill all in our way.Hell will be raised and they will taste death.Even the ancients." I shouted victoriously.

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Demetries large musles bulged as he slept his hair draping over his face.Suddenly a slight sound occured in the woods.Demetrie poped up and drew his smaller swords and looked around cautiosly thinking about what it could be.


Hira walks through the clouds of the heavens looking around on earth to see what was occuring.She saw deamons and knights fighting everywere on the land.Suddenly she sees an old friend of hers looking around in the wilderness. Demetrie. He was actually very mad at her for not accepting his corchip 300 years ago.

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Ooc: Sure ur accepted ^^




IC: Boyle was sitting in his tent when a soldier of the Agathians enters , "Chief! The Novaliens fails to complete there mission and the first batalion is totaly destroyed!" Boyle sighded and said "How are our connons going?" , The soldier : "They are going perfect , when we attack them tommorow they gonna have a ugly suprise!" said the soldier excited , "I hope so...." said Kurama.

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Ooc : Compass , is it good if that women who just died was ur mother? :P



IC:Boyle stand up and left hs tent , when the Soldiers asked where he goes he just said "I feel something , need to find out what it is.". After several houres of walking in the forests he saw 3 little demons aatacking a women. Boyle toke his sword and shouted "Hey you bugs! Try to find someone who can fight you cowards!" The he pointed his sword at the demons "Hellfire!" a huge fire blast destroyed the 3 demons before they could attack Boyle , He just sighted "Humpf , soo weak....." He went to the women , but it was too late , she was already dieng , most part of her stomach was eaten and she could't survive for long . But before she dies she asked something to Boyle "Save my son he went to school ...... and she gaf him a pendant with a picture of the boy on it "Pleas take care of him..." Then she died. Boyle was thinking "Hmmmm should i help that boy or not"......

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