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✖ Birthday Contest ✖ OVER! Please Lock!

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[align=center]Welcome everyone to Birthday Contest! Join now and win the prize!


[spoiler=[b]About The Contest[/b]]

It's my Birthday! And I decided to celebrate with a contest, feel free to give me B-Day +Reps =P




20 Points, all entry fees go to the pot


[spoiler=[b]The Pot[/b]]

All entry fee donations come to this Pot, which will be the prize for the winner; Extra donations to the pot are of course welcome as well.


Pot: 620 Points + 6 Positive Reps



There is 0 spot left.


• .:~WhiteTiger~:.

• Turtle King (Card Submitted)

• Shadow the Lugia (Card Submitted)

• iHop

• ?The-Riddler?

• Lexadin (Card Submitted)

• DeMeNTeD (Card Submitted)

• insonic (Card Submitted)

• Mig8 (Card Submitted)

• gustavosuarez (Card Submitted)



-There are no refunds if you quit.

-The contest will be a 1 Round only.

-Judging starts when all spots are filled.


[spoiler=[b]The Contest[/b]]

Create a Winged-Beast Type monster that has to do with Coin Flips.


-Post the card once you pay the fee; or keep it until I say Post.

-Judging will start when there are 10 Contestants.

-Make sure that your Card satisfies all conditions or it will be rejected.



[spoiler=[b]The Judges[/b]]






Good Luck![/align]

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my card:


[spoiler= My card]203181m.jpg

[spoiler= lore]When this card is sent to the Graveyard, flip a coin. If heads, Special Summon one Dragon Type monster from your Deck. This monster can not attack the turn it is Summoned.

If tails, Remove from play this card and another Dragon Type monster to Summon one Level 6 monster from your Deck. It's attack is halved.






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Here's my card!



Lore: This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by destroying all card's on your side of the field. When this card is Special Summoned, discard any number of card's in your hand and flip 1 coin for each card discarded, this card's original ATK is equal to the number of heads x 400. Once per turn, by removing 1 card in your Graveyard from play, flip 1 coin, if it's heads, increase this card's ATK by 250.



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^ In!


2 Spots left!


Side Note: Yu-gi-oh Dude had not shown any interest in the contest and I seem the only one to be managing it; So I think I'll remove him from the Judge list and the whole contest.


Due to that, I must cut the point prize in half, you shall get a full refund if you are dissatisfied with this; To make it up, another 3 +Reps will be added to the reward for a total of 6 +Reps. Sorry for any inconvenience.

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