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[EHA] ♣ Funniest Card Competition ♣ - DOESNT COST A PENNY! [EHA]

Evil Hero Ant

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[/u]Wow. A VERY LONG time since I've been on yugiohcardmaker. 1 or 2 years maybe?


Anyway, I'm here to make the infamous Funniest Card Competition!



Make your card as funny as possible

No unappropriate images.

No unappropriate words.

You will probably get higher marks if it is an EFFECT monster card, rather than a NORMAL monster card.

No Spells or Traps

OCG will not be graded in this contest but good, basic grammar will secure you OK marks.


You do not need to pay to enter!

It's absolutely free!!



1st place = +2 rep and 20 points

2nd place = +1 rep and 10 points

3rd place = 5 points


Competition closes on 5th November



1. Hollow Aizen (I'm in TEH WAR)

2. fategazer (Chick brothers)

3. bobyjoe5000 (the choppa baby)

4. BlazeVGR (Sarcasm)

5. sephiran1 (Pi Guy)

6. Super Susanoo (Melonhead Cat)







(This will be updated everyday at 8.00pm GMT)

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Ok, 5headed dragon, don't enter with an attachment. Click on the card at the card maker and copy paste the code underneath to here.

I'd like to enter (free why not?) I'll start workin gon mine and post it once I'm done.


Ok, ready now



When this card is Summoned, your opponent must recite Pi out as far as they can without looking at this card. This card's effect is determined by how far they recite it.

Don't even know the first digit- This card's origininal ATK and DEF are 3000

1 digit-This card's original ATK and DEF are 2500

2 digits-this card's original ATK and DEF are 1500 and it can attack your opponent directly

3-digits-This card's original ATK and DEF are 0 and it cannot be destroyed by battle

4 digits-This card's original ATK and DEF are 0

5 digits-Same as 4 and you take 1000 damage

6 or more digits- Same as 4 except you lose 3000 Life Points.

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