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The Chibi Knights! (Farewell, Onemanga, you will be missed)


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Wow, even Ikatsui posted, I'm all happy inside and shiz.


Anyway, I might as well make Fusion and El co-leaders, so El doesn't abuse his power TOO much.






Feel free to do whatevs, El, you're the current leader, considering my internet status is waaay unstable due to the fact I'm only on now due to the kindnes of teh grandma

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1. You took 20 minutes to figure out you were talking to Ragnarok on MSN.

2. You called Hollowblade 'some epic noob'

3. You're an idiot beyond comprehension half the time.


But really it all comes down to....uh...well really, it's got nothin to do with what we think of you :3

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