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The Chibi Knights! (Farewell, Onemanga, you will be missed)


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I can, for example:


RL friend dies, I say 'f***' and give the parents/other family my condolences and mourn for a couple of days.


One of you guys die, I say 'f***' say that sucks and move on.


Because honestly I don't know any of you well enough to feel bad enough to cry over your death.


Blunt honesty is blunt.

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If one of you died I'd be so sad ;_________;



@Fusion - Yes, more or less numb. Why do you think Suzuki was out?


Also yeah, that's why you're my best friend (El is too, and thus we are a trio)


@Creator - ...I expected that...


But you could at least greve for a FEW minutes....? ....Pretend to grieve...? Frown slighty...?


@Black - *hugs* That's good tho, caring for your friends is a nice trait ^^

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Well, I would say SUzuki is the one that kinda likes JZ, but I know neither of you will believe me >_>


But actually, Fusion, Suzuki's been mildy attracted to you at times, but not anymore, don't worry xD


As for JZ...she does still kinda like him >>;;

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cause online I don't see a guy's face.


So I am not attracted to guys, more like, I suppose I am attracted to niceness.



So what am I not nice?


I can't tell whether I'm relieved or angry. >.>


@El: One annoying word for your attempts to use your bichiness against DL



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