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The Chibi Knights! (Farewell, Onemanga, you will be missed)


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>_> No one commented on my set in Realistic.



Black, you're one of my buds and I like you and crap, but this constant begging and jabroniing for people to post on your set is getting really annoying.


Please dude, just stop. Advertise it in your sig or something.



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I have given a certain mailman with brown hair to his shoulders a certian letter containing a certain package with the contents you seek.


I have given a certain mailman with brown hair to his shoulders a certian letter containing a certain package with the contents you seek.

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If it's that high caliber with ordinary breasts..

Aw God.

Tentacle rape?

A chibi beating the girl to death with its wiener?

I don't wanna know..

Why does that make me wonder.....Here DL.....Please put it in this box so we can dispose of itt....*Hands box below*




|----Box of----------|

|--Stuff you--------|

|-Should not see-|


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