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The Chibi Knights! (Farewell, Onemanga, you will be missed)


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An excuse as when they screw up they can blame it on their other personality.


Yes, because we do that. We're just poor, insecure people with a bunch of errors. So, instead of admitting those errors we made personas.


We hate Striker because he has the ability to admit errors too.

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I laugh at you D: I think you're awesome D:


But you're different from when in the OMC or whatever that old club was :P



@Joseph - I'm crazy, yes. But I was not lying. Nor was JZ, it really was Jaine.


I believe he is still quite mean >.>

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Simple, everyone has a belief deep down of invincibility or having some purpose in your life. When you die those beliefs are shattered and reality will basically tell you "b**** you were just a stuntdouble" Then you realize or at least think that your life was sortof worthless and die with hurt feelings.


But you'll stil have your health.... wait nevermind. Your f***ed.



Unless you use the power of FREINDSHIP and have a teary death scene and stuff. But then you'd also have hurt feelings cause you are enjoying life and you really don't want to end your life and lose everyone and hurt there feelings by making them depressed and stuff.




Did I actually explain that?

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But emo means emotional....


Ah, forget it >,>



Also, you were cool back then.


Now you're cool, in a frosty way.



Still cool, tho.



Yes, but they act emotionless.


If they want to cut something they should cut some Pizza or something*shot*











Add Kamina Glasses on Millhouse and that will be me in a nutshell.



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