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The Chibi Knights! (Farewell, Onemanga, you will be missed)


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What am I arguing?

I'm just saying I'd enjoy beating you in a match one day

I suck at FPS's unfortunately :/


Dude, I used to suck at FPS too! I once went 5 for 30 (5 kills, 30 deaths) in a match once.... lolz my friends were pissed.


But, you play enough and you rock! >:O

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I've progressively gotten better at MW2 each time I go to my friend's place

If I owned a PS3 or 360, I'd get-

Wait a second

*counts money from summer*


I nearly have 1000 dollars...


The one question is...which one?

And the other question: Should I wait for the inevitable 720 or PS4? Or are they never happening?

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Well now that I think of it

PS3 has free online, just as good graphics, most of the same games, and I believe most of my friends own 1

So...I'll get a PS3 then.


Exactly. If you do get one, tell me what your name is when you do. That way I can add you.


Edit: You can adapt an Xbox 360 controller to PS3? Hmmm... well even if you could (which I've never tried), why would you?

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Xbox has better controls, I'll say that

I don't like the positioning of the PS3's joysticks and how there's 2 of them and a d-pad which sucks

But I've gotten used to it

But yeah, Xbox does controls better

And I'll add you sure


Depends on your preference. I've played on Sony systems my whole life. My sister had a PS, and when I played games it was on that. Then I got a PS2, then a PSP, and now, a PS3. So naturally, I love the dualshock controllers. I've played Halo 3 at my friends. Getting used to Xbox controllers were a little odd, but within an hour I was kicking butt online. Really, it wasn't too hard. I like PS3 because there's a challenge when playing online (the challenge being to kill noob-tubers and other cheap tactics in general).

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Meh, ive always liked X-box controllers, i find that most dual-shocks are too small, and the joystick/pad locations are a pain to remember when you haven't played for awhile.


"To each his own" I always say.


Edit: If this is your kind of thing, I'd recommend God of War 3. I'm saving for Killzone 3 when it comes out, Hmm... what else... Oh yeah, people enjoy Little Big Planet, so I'd recommend waiting for LBP 2. Also, Final Fantasy 13 maybe. Blaze Blue: Continuum Shift.


I don't have all of these games, but they seem pretty popular. I do own some though.

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