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The Chibi Knights! (Farewell, Onemanga, you will be missed)


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I mean that I'm getting to old to have this much time to RP, I'll be off to the Air Force after next year.



1. It is called a Gibbsslap anything else is negated when aimed at the back of my head.

2. So? Your still pretty good and I forgot to mention the 2 years I stopped RPing so I'm still warming up.


I used to do 3-5 Paragraphs (Paragraph being 20-25 lines) and had 2-4 characters per RP.


Counting current day I've hosted a total of 47 different RPs.

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Um. Chibi? ok..Im Karin ^.^


Hey there, I'm Fusion X. Denver! I'm the only guy on YCM who isn't a douche :lol:


And Black..

@:DL: I've been kinda busy; I'm creating an MMORPG ^_^



What about?

@JZlrn2lrnAnyway I'm just stating that 85% of what is posted on the internet shouldn't be taken in context.



Creator-nii....aren't you like....16?.....in what world is that old?


Dude you'd be surprised =__=

Did you guys know Ninjew joined PrimalFear/my club's RPing forum BEFORE YCM and was led here by us? =O



I learned something today :o

I feel VERY ticklish right now


If that isn't asking for a perverted reply, then I'm El Make.

Which I'm not (thank God)

Try avoiding saying stuff that can be perverted, El Make will do it in a heartbeat >.>

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