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The Chibi Knights! (Farewell, Onemanga, you will be missed)


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Also' date=' is this considered.... chibi?


[spoiler=Steal it and I kill you']

[spoiler=I'ma using it in a card so no stealing!]

[spoiler=Just don't steal it!]






Is it Darklink? I needs to knows!!!!! (god, I have soooooo much homeworks today.... Might get off and do it at random times)

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DMG, Creator, Kailyn, and Wolfa (AKA bagon46)


Also, I'm planning to add in squads. So I'll be the first squad leader, Ama will be the 2nd, and whoever I see fit will be the rest (AKA the captains). 1st is higher up than 2nd squad and so on. Also, each captain will be assigned a liutenant.

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I've EXPERIENCED THE POWAH! Being an admin, especially for a chibiz site, is PWN. I can change a user's whole friggen profile (not that I would, but I do have that power)

So... why won't you join? J-Max, do you want tot join the chibiz site Amaterasu made?

Yeah, I know, right?

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AWESOME! J-Max, ur awesome.


Oh, and el make, if J-Max joins, we'll have 5 members besides me and Ama, so there. You'll ahve to join. Also, I'ma post in the RP now.


Oh, and let's go with a new topic: favorite bands/singer.

Mines: Linkin Park, Michal Jackson

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