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The Chibi Knights! (Farewell, Onemanga, you will be missed)


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Then funk off.....


It's impossible to talk pokemon in this club. Creator refuses to believe in Pokemon past Gen 2, Chaos and DMG can only say "Mewtwo pwns", DL doesn't accept that Garchomp is good even though it's a frikin Uber, Fusion won't shut up about shoddy, Deus just is a b!tch half the time about it, I rant and RAEG, cookie probably doesn't know what Pokemon is, and J-max can only stare at a fictional Nurse Joy with outragiously large breasts!



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"Fusion-sama", that is a cereal I would eat. Really....


Oh yeah,... but isn't kun used for only close people, like best friends, girlfriends, boyfriends, etc?

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*dips cookie in milk stolen from Deus* Well, Ecchi-Chan, I don't care. All I know is that every in anime/manga I've seen and read, Anime was better, for the following reasons:

Color, enabling full appreciation of suits, scenes, and overall art.

movement, enable full appreciation for the more complex moves

sound, enabling buildup of tension for the suspense scenes, and whats being said, as voice inflections have a profound effect on words.

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