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The Chibi Knights! (Farewell, Onemanga, you will be missed)


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Valid reasoning, all I can say is I believe that could apply to some, but for others it is a mental thing

For example, those who have potential to evolve, but cannot due to their home life, in those cases they either strive to be better than how they were raised, or they embody the ways they were raised and affect others negatively because of this.

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HAHAHAHA! Seriously? Trust me, as far as psychology is concerned, the previous generation has only as much influence as you allow. No, really, Rosie tried to raise Jessica as a Christian girl. I'm sure you know how well that worked out.

and Genetics? Yes, there are some genetic whatever that affect intelligence, but in general, it has more to do with that people don't want something bad enough, and simply don't.

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Yes, another factor is the person's will and what they let affect them.

For example, some take an insult personally and let it bother them whereas others ignore it and don't think twice about it. So if bad parenting were the case, the kid would be affected depending on their mental strength, whether they should be like their parents, or go about independently and ignore their influence.

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Hahahahaha. Your genetics may determine your physical attributes, but they hardly determine your actual personality, or your psyche. Case in point, my father and my grandfather are both alcoholics. Both smoke. I hate both. My mother is a druggie. I hate drugs. Seriously. But, yeah. My genetics had very little to do with my psyche. Nor did the fact that my grandparents, who raised me, tried to raise me with an unconditional hatred of pagan religions. You know how well that turned out.

[spoiler=Exhibit A]

If there were an entire town full of satanists, my grandparents would choose to live under a bridge 40 miles away. I'd buy the house, and then walk around town, possibly making friends with a few of them. I'd even take my 8 year old daughter with me. (No, I don't have an 8 year old daughter. yet.


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Personality and Psyche aren't what I'm talking about. Your Physical traits as well as mental traits are determined via Genetics. By mental traits I mean skill with mathematics, computers, science, reading, etc. Not your view of things. That can't be changed. if you are inherently good at biology, that doesn't go away. You will always have some skill in biology.

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Obviously you forgot to pay attention in class. Every protein created by DNA gives your body certain traits. If you are athletic, then it is because several of your proteins give you increased muscle strength or something similar.

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OR you're athletic because you worked at it. I have the perfect build to be a basketball player. However, I'm not that great at it. Obviously, you never thought of that. I have the perfect build to be good at Basketball, but I have no interest in the game. Thus, my being 6'1'' lean build is wasted in that area. And I honestly don't care.

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Just because you are built for something doesn't mean you have to like it. The Proteins are there, and if you were interested you could play. But your not so you don't.


Your getting this confused with choice. Genetics are the building blocks fo your body, it shapes who you are and determines what you are good at. Whether or not your interested is up to the person.

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*sigh* did you miss the part where I said I wasn't good at it? I could be if I wanted to. If I tried. But I don't. I'm built to be good, yes. On that part you are correct. But, just because you're built for something doesn't mean that's what you're going to do. You stated that if you're athletic, it's because your genes built you to be good. But, my genes have built me with the purpose of playing basketball or running track. Neither of which I actually do. So...no. Genes alone do not make you good. Yes, they might give you some natural talent, but natural talent can only carry you so far. Unless you actually use those talents, you will never really be good.

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What I'm saying is that Genes give you the ability to be good at what they build you for. It is your CHOICE to actually use that ability. They build you to be good at it, but if your not interested or don' use the abilities your Genes give you, you have no one to blame but yourself.

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Oh? Watch this: I tried Basketball. I tried track. But I had no interest. I'm freaking Autistic, I tried Chess, Checkers, Several card games, and I like those, and I'm decent at those. I met one other autistic. He's 5' something. He's built roughly the same way I am. He's roughly the same skill level I'm at. Don't know him that well, though, so I'll leave it at that.

So, anyway. I'm not that great at what I'm built for. And, I blame Marine.

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