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The Chibi Knights! (Farewell, Onemanga, you will be missed)


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Woah, alot happened while I was gone. So now were thinkin of makin a forums for the chibi knights with hentai, loli, yuri, and the like?

So like

me - Admin

Amaterasu - Admin or Super mod

Captains - Super mods

Liutenants - mods

or something, right?

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No, I'm about to post. We're gonna have to change it to advanced though, cause of the breakdown of the basic tag thing.


Also, we are making a forum for the chibi knights that will have all that stuff, so don't worry, aside from a name change, nothing wil happen. I'm thinkin we should get another name... Chibi Knights works, but... annoying to type.

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