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The Chibi Knights! (Farewell, Onemanga, you will be missed)


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WTF? Amaterasu is banned!? And yes, we need more than 1 lut. Darklink just makes us change the cards so it looks like we're higher ranked "members" spoiler. Note, you wouldn't be able to fully accept people as luts. 2 luts would have to agree on an acception, where as a captian would only need to accept it him/herself. No positions are opened for captian though, but being a lut would give you more power then you have now.

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Are chibi reputation has been.... TAINTED!!!!!!! I will never look at Amaterasu the same way again.... ok, I will. My Naruto RP I joined is like dormant. I've only been able to post 2 times in the previous 24hrs in it because no one else does!


Chibi page 60 ftw!


700 posts ftw!

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wait, you can get banned for Rick-Rolling people? man, I've posted Rick-Rolls like, 5 times in the last month and I've never been banned...


(I know there is no background on the image but if you want to re-do it so it does, feel free to. Then realize your chained to the wall. Then use change of heart to make a guard get you off. Then realize your in a cell. Then use Brain control to get it unlocked. Then realize your in a jail. Then use monster reborn to revive someone, anyone, to get you out. Maybe Micheal Jackson. He can dance Thriller to distract everyone.)

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