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The Chibi Knights! (Farewell, Onemanga, you will be missed)


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@Lulu - Ha, I tricked you into mispelling Crimson.


Anyway, I´d call you the Frostmind, but that sounds... wow, that fits >.>


On SO many ways.


@Maru - I thought he was Darkness Incarnate, and evil something, and you were evil incarnate xP

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@Lulu - Frost Mind


Could mean your cold' date=' calculating, appearance.

It is similar to Frostmourne

And things like that.


Also, I helped with your heartless name? O.o



I wonder what my title is...



Mr. Abnormality

like how el make is Mr. Negativity

and I'm Mr. Sensitivity/Positivity (whichever works better)

and Ninjew is Mr. Brutality

and Louch is Mr. Illegality

and Mars is Mr. Insanity (or Mr. Sanity)

and Shadow is Mr.Screwtherulesality (k fine, u think of a better one)

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