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The Chibi Knights! (Farewell, Onemanga, you will be missed)


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You could say that. Basically my get ability power allows me to perfectly copy and use my opponents abilities, although it takes time for the abilities to be completely formatted to myself so as to avoid god modding. That said, I will soon have the power of the king. lol Take that Lu Lu. :P *always wanted to say Lu Lu*

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*goes Lulu-mode*


Actually, Zero, you overlooked one small detail. The power of the gods Lulu has is all of our powers combined. Simply taking his mimiking abilities means nothing, if you dont havé who to mimic from.

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It actually can take all powers, which is what I chose, so yeah. If I only chose that one ability, I could use it in a short amount of time, but I have to wait quite a bit longer to digest all of the power info that I just acquired. Besides, the fact that creator pulls what he just pulled greatly annoys me. But yeah, I copied all his power.

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*still Lulu mode*


But Creators been storing those powers ever since he met us, and began watching us fight, so its just fair they´d pay off, hm?


Also, those powers weren´t originally his, so you can´t copy them, you´d have to go to each individual person and copy THEIRS.

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DL is right, I don't have those powers the others do. besides you can't mime a mime, you just get more mime.


And before you say I was GMing take DL's other words into account, I've analyzed all of everyone's attacks and committed them to memory. However I can usually only mime 1-3 at a time. However when I break the Dimension we enter the Interdimension, which is where I live/was created. As such I control things there and that allows me to spam all of those attacks.


and you can't mime reborn, I tried, the pacifier blocks it.

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Not gonna happen.


Oh hey check this out


*Mimes Shadow Clone Jutsu*


LichKing Lelouch 1:I got to analyze Naruto last night, before I pounded him to a pulp.


LichKing Lelouch 2: Now you get four times the Creator.


LichKing Lelouch 3: Isn't that great?


LichKing Lelouch 4: I'm bored.

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LichKing Lelouch 1: That would be true...


LichKing Lelouch 2: But since I don't like crowds...


LichKing Lelouch 3: Especially as myself being the crowd...


LichKing Lelouch 4: This happens...


*Gets rid of Shadow Clones*


They'll be back later.

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