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The Chibi Knights! (Farewell, Onemanga, you will be missed)


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Let's see...


Black is mist, can't be harmed except by pure light. Light of redemption from his creator, Billy.


Ulqui has regeneration.


Oh, and all the other healing was becaus I changed my Anatomy, restoring my messed up senses.


You made my modding look like the Finest RPING!

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I don't really approve of swears' date=' so I'm not going to watch it.


Also, I would rp either as Mewtwo, or Blzaiken. If Blaziken, then i would become a shiny Blaziken and claim shotokahn moves such as the Dragon Fuist and Dark Hadou.



That's GM. You have to start as a first level.


Also, I am Gaara, and I will touch your jar of dirt!

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I don't really approve of swears' date=' so I'm not going to watch it.


Also, I would rp either as Mewtwo, or Blzaiken. If Blaziken, then i would become a shiny Blaziken and claim shotokahn moves such as the Dragon Fuist and Dark Hadou.



That's GM. You have to start as a first level.


Also, I am Gaara, and I will touch your jar of dirt!

But what about Legendaries?


And it's your own fault for having sand on your boot then. lol =P

I'd still say screw the rules' date=' I'm MewTwo and if you don't like it GTFO.


Hands off bish, I already called him.

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This is meant to be long after that at a point in time where there is a Mewtwo clan, so if you really want to be a Mewtwo, okay, but it wouldn't be allowed anyway according to what Black said, Louch. That said, I would likely start off with the earliest form of the Blaziken clan. (Torchic)

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NO LEGENDARIES. Is that REALLY a hard concept?!


You think starting as a freakin' Legendary or evolved Pokemon is fair?


No, you, Creator, can GTFO, for it might not be your thread, and no one will want to join if the thread if the maker is MEwtwo, or they will choose ARCEUS. The lolgod of Pokemon!

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