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The Chibi Knights! (Farewell, Onemanga, you will be missed)


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*Fires 15 lasers at Deus* How Dare you not know the Cuatro Espada! Who also happens to be the most freaking epic thing to ever be thought of anywhere!





You can have an OGF and a real GF at the same time yah know..... or BF' date=' in her case.


You sicken me.



It's common knowledge bi's tend to be hotter than straights.


But seriously' date=' why isn't she your OGF anymore?


See above.

You weren't allowed to watch Spongebob?


What kind of household do YOU live under?

The kind that raises you to be gay.

I never liked Spongebob' date=' never saw the point.


That's probably because there isn't one. It's comedy. Without resorting to pure idiocy, ridiculousness, and just plain I don't even know how else to describe Family Guy and South Park <.<

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You can have an OGF and a real GF at the same time yah know..... or BF' date=' in her case.


You sicken me. Glad to know....



It's common knowledge bi's tend to be hotter than straights.


But seriously' date=' why isn't she your OGF anymore?


See above. Thanks

You weren't allowed to watch Spongebob?


What kind of household do YOU live under?

The kind that raises you to be gay. Don't insult Black-kun' date=' he's cool![/b']

I never liked Spongebob' date=' never saw the point.


That's probably because there isn't one. It's comedy. Without resorting to pure idiocy, ridiculousness, and just plain I don't even know how else to describe Family Guy and South Park <.< Family Guy is epic! Why do you hate it so?

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*Fires 15 lasers at Deus* How Dare you not know the Cuatro Espada! Who also happens to be the most freaking epic thing to ever be thought of anywhere!



I'm a dared person. Just like that. And I don't need to know the existence of something Op in a OP world where OP and Useless Characters exist. Even though I don't watch Bleach, or Naruto, I know alot about both program. I blame the economy.

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You saw that too?! Yeah, his wife admitted it! But, the the Obamanites claim it's a hoax *Rolls eyes*


The thing is... Obama is Kenyan, oh yes. I posted a link to it on Facebook. Some kid commented on how "You believe this crap?" So I asked if he believed the Lies about the Tea Partiers. That shut 'im up.

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Everyone knows that 4kids wants to take over the world using Obama and his clones, yes clones, there is at least 1 Obama in every major country in the world. Be afraid, as they will turn your nations into 4kids Soviet Nations much like they have America.


That is why I am on the run, I am an Android from the future, 3 years ago I came through a wormhole to warn you all, but I was to late 4kids had already begun it's conquest.


(You know we should get Nexev to come up with an RP plot around this after the war is over).

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Well I have some knowledge that can help, and I've already met up with a small resistance group here in Texas. I also met the first Autonomous Human Replicated Robot or Reploid. (Yes I went there) I too am a Reploid but much more advanced. This model is version 2.7 and I also met a Human that has escaped the mind control.


We have formed a resistance, we need help though.


(Screw Nexev, we can make it ourselves).

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[spoiler=My attempt at a decent plot]My Name is Creator, 3 years ago I was sent through a wormhole. My mission: To prevent 4kids from taking over the world.


However it seems my warp was off instead of ending up in 2009, I ended up a year late. As such 4kids has already set their plans in motion.


I made my way to a remote area, where I encountered a prison base controlled by 4kids. Inside I found the first Autonomous Human Replicated Robot or Reploid. With him I found a human that seems to be immune to the Mind control that is broadcast through the air waves. I too am a Reploid, from the future, with me I have knowledge of the one thing 4kids needs. Cold Fusion technology.


We have formed a resistance now, our goal is to stop 4kids before the year 2012, the same year I am sent back, as if we are to late… they will activate the Radiant Broadcaster, enslaving all non-machines and take over the world.


If there is anyone out there who can hear this, we need your help.


Location: Near future Earth

Major Locations: United Soviet States of America, Great Britain, Italy, Republic of Russia, and Japan.

Sides: Resistance, 4kids, Unsided

Time: 2010



Not as good as Nexev but I'd say not bad since it was improv.

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