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The Chibi Knights! (Farewell, Onemanga, you will be missed)


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I've seen Inuyasha, and, doesn't Naruku erect like, 20 barriers that nothing penetrates. Not to mention...meh, it's been too long since the last time I watched, but I do remember that there were like 27 times at least that he should have died. Not to mention half of those times happened when he didn't have any of the jewel shards in his possession. Whatever. All i know is that:

Aizen is a freaking badass

You owe your life to sperm

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How about we agree Aizen is a badass godmodder?


'Cause I don't hate him, I just wish the arc would be OVER already!


Also, DMG, I KNOW you watched Inuyasha. You rated my Inuyasha set, and kept pestering me to add Rin and Sesshomaru. Which I eventually did.


Anyway, unbreakable my @$$.


This random woman went and broke it after 5 episodes of hunting Naraku -_-

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Ama doesn't have a position anymore >.>


Anyway' date=' we could just drop Kailyn to normal knight, and give him liutenant rank until a captain rank opens up.



1. He has the position of Normal Member (would be banned member if DL wasn't such a p***y).


2. Yes

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